could someone please help me with this query?

  • I'm a total SQL noob, and I recently had this project fall into my lap. I've had it pretty easy with simple select * from X where Y = Z queries so far but now I have something a little more complex

    I have two tables, Client and Household_Members. Client has a primary key Client #, which is a foreign key to Household_Members. Household_Members contains information on people who members of a Client's household.

    For simplicity, I'm removing all non relevant columns

    CREATE TABLE Client {

    [Client #] Int, Primary Key


    CREATE TABLE Household_Members {

    [Client #] Int,

    SSN String


    There are Household Members which belong to more than one Client, so I would like to write a query which returns all Client rows with a related household member with X SSN.

    This is what I've been trying but it doesn't work:

    Select * from Client

    inner join Household_Members

    on Client.[Client #] = Household_Members.[Client #]

    where Household.SSN = @ssn

    I've been reading about joins all day trying to figure out how to do this, and now I'm tired and asking you guys so I hope it makes sense 😀 Thanks a lot for any help!

  • But different household members have different SSNs, right? You drop out other household members because of that.

    I'm not completely clear what you want. You are getting all matching household/client rows for each social security number. Are they not ordered correctly perhaps? Maybe you should work with one SSN and get that query working (add an AND ssn=xxxx) and then remove that line to test once you think it's working.

    I guess I'm wondering do you want all info for one SSN (and only that SSN), or info for things related to that SSN?

  • Steve Jones - Editor (1/19/2009)

    But different household members have different SSNs, right? You drop out other household members because of that.

    Yeah, you're right. Thats not the code I'm using, I just made it quickly so you guys could see the layout of the database in as uncomplicated a way as possible

    I'm not completely clear what you want. You are getting all matching household/client rows for each social security number. Are they not ordered correctly perhaps? Maybe you should work with one SSN and get that query working (add an AND ssn=xxxx) and then remove that line to test once you think it's working.

    I guess I'm wondering do you want all info for one SSN (and only that SSN), or info for things related to that SSN?

    Yeah, see maybe I don't want to use a join because I only want client rows returned not client/household rows.

    Lets say I have 3 clients, client #'s 1 2 and 3. Household member Bob has ssn 123 and is a a member of client 1 and 3's household. How do I write a query that searches the household table for SSN "123", then returns client rows 1 and 3 as the result? It seems to me like it should be really easy, but like I said I'm a complete SQL noob

  • OMG, I'm so dumb, I just figured otu what to do. I'm just too tired and mind-numbed from two weeks of programming. I'll just do two separate queries, query household for the client #, and then query client separately. Maybe there's a way to do it in one query, but this will work fine. God, I'm so embarassed :blush:

    Sorry for bothering you guys and thanks! This is a cool forum though I'll keep reading and I may need help again sometime

  • You have written the query right. If you want just the client columns use subquery

    You can use select distinct client.* also

    Roshan Joe

    Jeff Moden -Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • joeroshan (1/19/2009)

    You have written the query right. If you want just the client columns use subquery

    You can use select distinct client.* also

    You don't need a subquery or distinct. If you just want the client columns, just specify the columns you want. You should always specify the columns you want regardless.

  • Yeah, I totally figured out how to do it with the join. Works perfect. Thanks for everybody's help!

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