Could someone please help me with creating select statement

  • How can I do this in one query

    I've got a table like this


    The Id is unique (but just a counter not of interest here), there may be one resourceid for each date and an asscoiated quantity.

    I want to select all resourceid (distinct) and I just want just the resourceid and the date and quantity associated

    with that post that is less than today but nearast in time.

    To examplifY

    if some records look like like this


    1 1  2003-12-01 1.3

    2 1  2004-01-25 1.4

    3 2  2002-01-01 1.7

    4 2  2003-07-27 2.8

    I want my select statement to return only the two following post

    2 1  2004-01-25 1.4

    4 2  2003-07-27 2.8

    That is one post for each resource and the post should be the one were the date is less than today but closest in timeI want to do this without using stored procedure or view, since I'm not allowed to create objects in the database.

    If someone could show me a way of doing this with somekind of self joins or temporary tables I'd really appreciate it.

    (The question will be executed in a app but using ADO since the applications SDK just support ADO connections- of course I could do ado loops but doesn't seem like an elegant solution)

    Thanks in advance



  • Try this:

    select, t2.resourceid,, t2.quantity



     select resourceid, max(date)

     from YourTable

     where date < cast(floor(cast(GetDate as float)) as datetime)

     group by resourceid

    ) t1

    inner join YourTable t2 on (t1.resourceid = t2.resourceid and t1.Date =


  • Here's another possibility:

    select, res3.resourceid, res3.workdate, res3.quantity

    from tblresource res3 inner join

         (select id from tblresource res1

     inner join (select resourceid, max(workdate) as 'workdate'

          from tblresource

          where workdate < GetDate()

          group by resourceid) res2

      on res1.resourceid = res2.resourceid

      and res1.workdate = res2.workdate) res4

     on =

    Darcy's is probably more efficient since it uses fewer joins though.

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