Could not find installable ISAM

  • I've got a fair sized DTS package that is failing on one step with the error "Could not find installable ISAM".  The step that is failing is a SQL task as follows:

    insert into dbo.xLoadList select  tableName, spLoader, tblOwner, LinkedServer, NodropOnRefresh FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Text;Database=d:\bo\arcIntelligence\arcStaging\config',OpenAccountsStagingLoad#txt)

    It has worked for over a year, and just fell over last night.  Nothing has changed.

    Running SQL Server 2000 SP4.

    I'm sure I've come across this error before in SQL Server 7, and that it was a really simple/daft solution.

    Edit: forgot to mention I've run the select part in QA and the same error comes back.

    Any ideas?

  • Paul,

    Not sure but it sounds like an ODBC type error. Has the server had any patches applied (what with the recent virus attacks and all) recently that may have damaged/updated the ODBC driver for Jet engine?

    Good Luck,


  • SP4 was put on on Tuesday 16th.  Windows updates last applied a little before that.

    The routine ran fine on Wednesday 17th, nothing else changed, but it won't run today.

    We've re-installed MDAC and it's still happening.  I've checked registry settings, re-registered the DLL too before we did that.  No luck.

    It's scheduled for a reboot tonight, so I'll see if that helps (although if that works it kind of makes it a "time bomb" waiting to happen again ).

    Thanks for the ideas though... I'll post the outcome of the reboot when I get into work tomorrow.

  • Since this is a Jet provider and MDAC stopped supporting the Jet ISAM files in v2.5, I suggest that you download and install the latest Jet4 Service Pack (v8, I believe).


  • It's started working again since the reboot last night.

    I'm unsure if it was the MDAC install or simply the reboot that helped, but with Andy's comments in mind I expect it's the latter.

    I'll get the latest Jet4 service pack today; thanks.

  • Reading the thread you started up a few days ago, I have to ask you if you have encountered any problems with isam again so far.

    I'm asking because I share your situation. We have a SQL server running in win2k sp4, and I am told everything worked fine(I didn't work here when it did, I have less than a month in this company), but also, from one day to another, it will ocassionaly throw the instalable ISAM error. Rebooting it works, but, as you stated, it's a time bomb, since it will (at least in our case) fail again.

    Applying the newest MDAC component and the JET sp4 did help a bit, but in my case it didn't solve the problem.

    So, did any problems pop up again?

  • We haven't had any problems since, but that's interesting to hear that it's cropped up again for you. I'll post on this thread if it happens again; similarly if you find a solution in the meantime and post it here, that would be much appreciated.

  • I'll post any useful findings here.

  • Well, I looked a lot around but found nothing that solved my problem, but strangely enough the problem seems to have stabilized to a failure every week (it's been like this for 3 weeks now, giving the error on the night of friday-early hours of saturday). All I did was to fiddle a bit with a custom made asp app that runs on that server, but it was minor and did not directly modify the import rutine running on the server. I'll experiment next week by reseting the server just before I leave work on friday, and see how it fares.

  • We are experiencing a similar problem.   We use openrowset to link to an excel file.  This worked fine for a couple months and then suddenly stopped working with the message about ISAM.   Restarting the service fixed the immediate problem but we still don't know what caused it or how to prevent future occurrences.

  • When this happened to me the cause was the registry key: HKLM\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Excel\win32

    was pointing to an invalid path. Once I fixed the path to point to the actual location of the msexcl40.dll file, the ISAM error went away immediately.

    Note: on my Windows XP machine, the file was located in c:\Windows\System32 -- you may have to search for the file in case it is located somewhere else.

  • pointing to an invalid path? may be not so easy.

    I have encounter this issue too many times, but can solve it.

    My server OS:windows server2003 R2, DB:SQL SERVER2000

    any ideas???

  • I have the same problem too accessing the Excel sheets.

    Here you are my comments on it, what I discovered is not the solution but maybe I can help you all in the analysis.

    First Note:

    I see in above comments that someone has temporarly solved it restarting the machine. What I can say is that it's not necessary to restart the server, only restart the SQL service on the machine. This solves the emergency but it's not the solution, yet.

    Second Note:

    There is also a strange thing (for me). Why if I'm accessing an excel sheet, the SQL server want to use the Jet4 connection instead of the excel connector (i use excel 8.0 in my environment)?

    Into the path C://Windows/System32 there are two dll: Msjet40.dll and msexcl40.dll. The second should be used for Excel data access but SQL still want to use Msjet40.dll.(reading the error "could not fin installable ISAM" I see more on that the system talks about Jet4!)

    Third Note:

    In my registry I also found that in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Jet 4.0 the path to the dll is missing, all other pahts for DB Engines are correct. But the system is actually working, so I think this missing key is not influencing the ISAM problems.

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