Copy/moving backup files

  • Hi,

    how do you copy/move database backup files between servers - response greatly appreciated


  • backup files are just files. I'm not sure exactly what you are asking for.


  • For backup files use the copy past mechanism trough your LAN. ( backup and restore )

    This same goes for the datafiles after ( and before ) attaching and detaching.

    How easy it can get...


  • I have to restore database residing on server1 to server2, so I have to first copy the backup file from server1 to server2 inorder to restore, so how do we copy the backup file between servers

  • As Wes said, they're just files.  Find the backup file from the date and time that you want to copy.  It will have an extension of .bak with a DB name and number in front of it.  It will look something like this from Windows Explorer:


    where 'mydb' is the name of your database.  Using Windows Explorer, right click on this, and select Copy.  Map a drive to the server2  where you want to restore, migrate to the appropriate folder, right click and select Paste.

    Now you have a copy of the backup file on the second server but you still have to restore it.  If your database names and file paths are exactly the same you can simply perform a restore from Enterprise Manager by browsing to the file you just copied.  If there are any differences in either the file names, drive letters and/or file paths on server2, you'll need to perform a restore from Query Analyzer using the 'from disk' and 'with replace' options.  For more information on these parameters and how to use them, please see Books On Line. 

    You're not quite done yet.  If you do not have the exact same users on server1 and server2, you'll also need to synchronize the logins so you that can assign and modify their database access.  Microsoft has published information on this process here:  that should help you with this.

    Hope this helps and best of luck.



    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • I appreciate your help, thanks a lot

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