copying the backup file

    I have a bakup file(.BAK) of 8GB in standalone server and I want to restore it to another server.I can't do restoration directly from standalone server using UNC path as the acess denied.I want to copy the backufile to destinataion server from their I want to do restoration.But copying 8GB taking very long time.please let me know if  there any sql server agent job which I can use to copy the backup file from one server to another server.


  • use dbcc traceon (1807) with the T-sql for restore.

    Using this you can restore the bkp directly from standalone server without moving any files.

    Wrm Rgds

    Binu John

  • Restoring over the network won't diminish the amount of data to send over the net.

    If you've got a slow network think about zipping the backup before copying (via gzip)...

    regards karl

    Best regards

  • sree,


    To answer your question directly, you can create a stored proc that will copy the file.  Look at the xp_cmdshell documentation in BOL.  This XProc will allow you to use operating system commands within stored procedures.  Create a procedure that will perform the shell call and use the agent to run the procedure.  You may also put the xp_cmdshell call and its parameters directly into the job step if you don't want to create a procedure. 

    Now, this will not always work because of security settings.  You may not be able to use xp_cmdshell due to SQL permissions, or your network may not allow the user context in which the shell runs to have access to a remote location.  You'll have to check on that.

    If security methods preclude the use of xp_cmdshell, you may want to look at using DTS.  There is an FTP task object available in DTS that will move files to/from an FTP server.  DTS is also capable of running executables or batch files via the execute process task object.



  • I appreciate for your responses.It definitely helped me.Thanks once again.




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