Copying Records

  • Hi all

    i want to Copy all the records of one table from one database to another table in another database

    inside same server.

    Pl help me any one


  • Right click on the database in EM / all tasks / import data

    then follow the wizard.

  • MR Remy


    But I am always Query Analyzer. So I need the query

    So pl help if u can

    Than'x for ur  help


  • The quick and dirty way - (if it's a very large table, watch so you don't interfere with others during the operation)

    SELECT  *

    INTO    db2.dbo.myNewTable

    FROM db1.dbo.myTable

    ..will make a copy along with all the data in db1.dbo.myTable and create a new table in db2 named dbo.myNewTable.

    Some constraints may not be transferred by this method, though the basic table structure and data will.



  • Option B :

    Insert into db2.dbo.TableName (col list) select col list from db1.dbo.TableName2

  • As Kenneth said, be careful if it's a large table, especially in a production environment because you may create locks on the table that will affect other users of that table.

  • And you can lock the tempdb with select into... which could be even worse.

  • This would be a better approach.

    Create the table first:

    create table Table2 (col list)


    Then insert all the records from Table 1 to table 2:

    Insert into Table2

    select (col list)

    From Table1 with (nolock)

    Using the nolock option prevents table 1 from being locked

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