Copying multiple tables from one db to another using SSIS

  • Hi,

    Can anyone tell how to copy multiple tables from from one db to another using SSIS object model.

    I am confused with things like. Do I need to add multiple source and destination in a dataflow task or do I need to add multiple dataflow task?

    What is the difference between these two? Is there any other (easy way) to achieve this?


  • The easiest way to do this is using the SS 2005 Import export wizard. Just log in to sql server 2005 management studio right click on the source database and go to tasks export data and follow the instructions. This will create a new package but will help you to transfer multiple tables at one go

  • This export and import do you need to do this just once or do you need to do this on a certain timespan?

  • Then i recommend to build your own package. For the load of about 50 tables it's a bit of work at first but you will have a lot of profit from it later.

    You start with a sequence container.

    Place a new dataflow task for each copy from a table to the other table.

    When you have these task you can build in your dependence of the dataflow tasks.

    Because you use a seperate dataflow task you can have a more transparent and flexible solution. When you need to load another table you just add an extra dataflow task.

    Besides this the logging of the proces is easy to follow and you can easely monitor the package to see wich table has or hasn't run succesfully

    Good luck

  • otherwise if possible u can do in .net or any applications(a script) .and u can run this script in SSIS.i hope that will be better for u.





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