Copying data from one server to another - SQL Server 2008

  • I have to 2008 SQL servers with identical databases..

    Server1: database Energy has a table called Weather

    Server2: database Energy has a table called Weather

    I want to copy specific data (result of a select query) from Server1 to Server2

    What's the quickest way to do this manually?

  • Try the SQL Server Import/Export Wizard.

  • That would be the easiest.. If you need to do it more than once I'd save the package created by the wizard since it is really just an SSIS package.. And you can modify it later..


  • This is what I did:

    At the source "server2"

    Created a linked server (Server1)

    Ran the follwoing query:

    insert into Server1.Energy.dbo.Elect_XMain_Daily

    select * from Elect_XMain_Daily

    where Date_Stamp > '11-21-2011'

  • Not a fan of linked servers.. They have their place but I caution against using them much.


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