Copying across servers - UNO PROBLEMO

  • Hey, I get this problem when I try to copy information from one server to another, to a idenitity_columns.

    I have tried to set the identity_insert ON for the table, for the server I'm copying to, NOLUCK.

    Any suggestions?

    Server: Msg 7344, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' could not INSERT INTO table '['SERVERNAME'].[DATABASE].[owner].[table_name]' because of column ''column_name''. The user did not have permission to write to the column.

    [OLE/DB provider returned message: Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.]

  • What login does the target server think you are?

    What permissions does that login have?

    I've found that if I create a login on one machine ,then copy that login to 2nd and subsequent machines I get around a lot of security headaches, however in your case it sounds like the specific login on your target server has column permissions.

  • both servers are configured exactly the same.

    administrator on both of the machines, same username and password, the works?

  • How are you copying the data?

    • DTS
    • Replication
    • Some manual process

    Are your servers linked or remote. 

    I had a number of problems with remote servers.  As you know BOL recommends the use of Linked Servers over Remote Servers, however it creates remote servers when replication is set up.

    I wanted to be able to write queries on one box that queried the other, but kept getting error messages. 

    I looked at sp_configure 'remote access', but this defaults to 'true' in any case.

    It took a bit of working around but eventually I found that I had to run.

    exec sp_serveroption <server2>,'Data Access','true'


  • It's a manual process, I use inserts from ,

    i checked out the sp_serveroption, but it doesn't work.

    Thanks anyway

  • If you are running stuff on server 1 and pushing to server 2 why not turn the problem on its head and run from server 2 and pull from server 1.

    Looking at BOL it doesn't say that you can include the server in the table source portion of SET IDENTITY_INSERT

    i.e. SET IDENTITY_INSERT server.database.owner.table ON

    only that you can do the fully qualified name on the local server.

    i.e. SET IDENTITY_INSERT database.owner.table ON

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