Copy xml node value to a column in another table

  • Good morning. I would like to copy one node from an xml data column to another non-xml column.
    This first set of code below pulls a single node of data from an Xml column.

    Select XmlDataField.value('(//*[local-name()="Description"])[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') 
      From tblDataPermit
       Where Type = '6'

    I would like to copy that piece of the xml value to a column in another table, joined by ApplicationNumber.
    Is this possible?
    In my draft code below that xml node is represented by XmlDataFieldNode

    Update tblDataActions
    SET tblDataActions.TextNotes = tblDataPermit.XmlDataFieldNode
    FROM dbo.tblDataActions
    JOIN dbo.tblDataPermit ON tblDataActions.ApplicationNumber = tblDataPermit.ApplicationNumber
    WHERE tblDataActions.Actions = 'Inspection - Violation'

  • This is a bit of guess work based on data you provided in prior posts, and the above but something like this should work:
    --WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'MgmsSchema/Business_Information_Detail_Entry') --Not sure if you need this this time, you did before.*/
    UPDATE tblDataActions
    SET tblDataActions.DataActions = p.value('ACtion[1]', 'VARCHAR(8000)')
    FROM tblDataActions DA
         INNER JOIN tblDataPermit DP ON DA.ApplicationNumber = DP.ApplicationNumber
         CROSS APPLY DA.XmlDataField.nodes('/XmlDataField') t(p)
    WHERE DA.Actions = 'Inspection - Violation';


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Will this just copy the node "Description"?
    Thank you for your help.

  • bzoom100 - Friday, January 13, 2017 8:58 AM

    Will this just copy the node "Description"?
    Thank you for your help.

    The code I gave you would just copy the node Action. if you want to copy other values to other columns, you would need to add them in. if you want multiple values to be moved over, you would need to concatenate the values.

    If you need more specific detail, I'll need more information. As i said, the above is guesswork.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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