Copy Logins/Databases List using an expression

  • Has anyone had experience with using an expression for the Databases List collection in the 'Copy Logins' task? I'm trying to use the Expression Builder to specify the name of the database which has logins I want to copy. I can't seem to figure out the syntax to use. When I try to set the value for the Databases list property using the Transfer Logins Task editor, I get an error such as the following:

    "Error at Copy Logins: The result of expression "@[User::DatabaseName]" on property "DatabasesList" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property"

    Does anyone know what the proper syntax should be in the Expression Builder?


  • Hi,

    did you get any further with this as I was wanting to do something similar to manage logins for databases using Log shipping...

    I don't often use SSIS and I just feel I'm missing something obvious.



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