Copy DTSs to a new name

  • I have over 100 DTSs that need to be copied to the same server with a new name.  Is there a easy way to do this other than bringing each dts up and resaving it under the new name?  All the dts packages are prefixed with DTS4_ needs to be copied to DTS9_CDJ_.

  • The only way I can think to change a lot of package names at once, and I'm not sure I'd want to try it,  is to update the name column in sysdtspackages and sysdtspackagelog tables in msdb. 



  • Updating the name is not what I want.  I need to COPY the DTSs from DTS4_ to DTS9_CDJ_.  The key to sysdtspackage is NOT name, but id and version id.

  • Check out this article:

    It worked for me!!!



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  • I have used DTS Backup2000 to copy the packages to another server without issues. I am sure this will work with the local instance as the target.


  • I've used DTS Backup2000 also, but I haven't been able to copy a package to a new name.



  • I've got some old code I used to move packages with.

    It was originally designed to move DTSs across servers...but I've modified it for your name change.

    It moves one package (slowly).  You can use a script to produce a hundred EXEC statements based on the packages...or modify it to move all packages in one execution of the proc.

    I tested it locally and was able to successfully open the package created (I didn't run it)

    /*exec dbo.MoveDTS 'LocalServer','DB2 Test Package','newowner'



    ALTER proc dbo.MoveDTS (

    @sourceserver varchar(40),@dtsname varchar(500),

    @owner varchar(30)

    @newDTSname varchar(500)



    declare @sql varchar(2000)

    declare @dtsid uniqueidentifier

    set @sql= 'Select d.*,l.[name] as loginame into ##sysdtspackages from '+ @sourceserver + '.msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages d join '+@sourceserver+'.master.dbo.sysxlogins l on d.owner_sid=l.sid'


    Select @dtsid=[id] from ##sysdtspackages where [name] like @dtsname + '%'

    set @sql= 'Select * into ##sysdtscategories from '+ @sourceserver + '.msdb.dbo.sysdtscategories where [id]=''' +cast( @dtsid as varchar(2000))+''''


    table ##sysdtspackages

    --Keys here are that you need a newid() to replace the version ID...and you need to pass a valid SID for the owner.

    INSERT INTO msdb.dbo.[sysdtspackages] Select @newDTSname, [id], newid(), [description], [categoryid], [createdate], @owner, [packagedata], (Select sid from master.dbo.sysxlogins where [name]=@owner),0 as packagetype/*, [packagetype]*/ from ##sysdtspackages s where = @dtsid

    Drop table ##sysdtscategories

    Drop Table ##sysdtspackages



    Hope this helps.

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