Copy database - data only?

  • We need to be able to refresh the data from a QA to a development database on a regular basis, but don't want to overwrite any stored procedures or other objects or lose any foreign keys. Is there any easy way to do this?

  • This sounds like a job for Integration Services.

    Although if the two databases are not in synch structure-wise, or are changing rapidly, this may be a real hastle.

    Using some sort of change management (like SQL Ghost, or SQL Compare from Red Gate) might make the job easier.  For that matter, Red Gate also offers SQL Data Compare that might just fit the bill...

    No, I don't work for Red Gate, but I have used several of their products and have found them to be reasonably priced and generally effective.


    If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this. -Friedrich August von Hayek


  • I normaly have the scripts that modify the DB from the current live version to the current development version set up to run as a batch file.

    Thus one way could be to restore a backup from the QA server on the dev server then run the batch to upgrade from the QA version to the current dev version.

    This has the handy side effect of testing the upgrade scripts.

  • if your volume is not that high, you may even use the tablediff.exe

    you can find it at

    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM\tablediff.exe"


    and it is documented in BOL


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  • Thanks for the suggestions, I have most of scipts written. I was hoping for a tool that would drop constraints, move data and rebuild constraints. Sounds like a niche market for a new third party tool.

  • >>I was hoping for a tool that would drop constraints, move data and rebuild constraints. Sounds like a niche market for a new third party tool.<<

    BULK INSERT can bypass the constraints. You can bcp your data out and use BULK INSERT to put it back in, bypassing all constraints.

    * Noel

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