Copy database

  • Failed to create shared OMWWIZD. I have used this once before on this server and it worked fine. I'm using an account that has rights as admin on the local box, member of sysadmins and the SQL agent account. Any ideas?

  • There's an article on MSDN with this error:;en-us;274463

    In summary it says if the destination server is started with the Local System account, or an account that does not have local admin rights on the source then this error will occur.

  • Thanks, I read the article, we aren't using the Local System Account we're using a domain account that has rights as a local admin, on the network, and as the sql agent

  • Try using BACKUP from the source and RESTORE on the destination then.  It doesn't transfer Jobs, Errors, objects in master or logins, but it does work.

  • I did that yesterday. I'm still hoping that I (or someone else) can figure out how to make the copy database procedure work.

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