Copy data into Normalized Tables

  • I'm writing a series of Stored Procedures,

    to copy data into normalized tables, for source tables.

    they all use an iendity column as the primary key. and go up to 9 levels deep

    Like :

    Customers  CustId is PK

    Orders  foreingnkey CustID,  PK is OrderID

    Order Details;  PK OrderDetail ID, Foreign Key is OrderID


    Any tips on best way to do this?


  • It depends... Are your target tables 'live', i.e., receiving data from other sources while you are doing these inserts?

    If the tables are not live, then you could do INSERT / SELECT joining to a Numbers table like the one mentioned below

    If you're doing large amounts of data, you may need to break your result sets into smaller 'batches'  to ensure you don't fill your transaction log.


    DECLARE @begID int, @endID int, @batchSize int, @maxID int

    SELECT @begID = min(sourceRowID) FROM dbo.SourceTable

    SELECT @maxID = max(sourceRowID) FROM dbo.SourceTable

    SELECT @batchSize = 1000, @endID = @begID + @batchSize

    WHILE @endID <= @maxID + @batchSize


      INSERT INTO dbo.Customers

      FROM dbo.SourceTable

      WHERE SourceRowID >= @begID AND SourceRowID < @endID

      SET @begID = @endID

      SET @endID = @endID + @batchSize


    If you're doing only a few rows or the tables are 'live', then create an INSERT stored procedure for each table involved with the identity column as an output parameter.  Then use the output parameter as an input parameter in the next stored procedure call.  Do this all in a WHILE loop.

  • leda,

    thanks, the tables are "sort of live" users will be invoking the tem to copy

    marketing proposales for new customers.

    belpow is what you suggest then? Thanks 


    >>If you're doing only a few rows or the tables are 'live', then create an INSERT stored procedure for each table involved with the identity column as an output parameter.  Then use the output parameter as an input parameter in the next stored procedure call.  Do this all in a WHILE loop>>

  • Yep, if others will be inserting data into these tables at the same time you're migrating data, then I'd suggest using the insert stored procedures in a while loop thru the source table.


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