January 13, 2004 at 9:25 am
how do i copy a table with text data type from one server to another.
dts has problems with truncating the text field.
January 14, 2004 at 1:38 am
Probably you could set up the other server as a "Linked Server" and use SELECT INTO.
SELECT * INTO linkedserver.database.schema.TextTable FROM TextTable
Or create a copy of the table and use regular insert. ( the SELECT INTO doesnt create an exact schema copy of original table. column defaults, indexes, pk's ... are not duplicated )
You must unlearn what You have learnt
January 14, 2004 at 6:59 am
I believe I picked this up as one of the scripts submitted to the site;
there's an export and inport function below; i never tested this myself:
-- Name: Procedure to Export/Import Imag
-- es In/From SQL SERVER
-- Description:the procedure is used as
-- an Interface to the TextCopy Utility sup
-- plied with SQL SERVER in order to simpli
-- fy handling of BLOBS (images/docs)
-- By: Eli Leiba
-- Inputs:@runpath varchar(100), -- text
-- Copy Location
@srvrvarchar(50), -- server TO LOAD
@db varchar(50), -- DATABASE TO LOAD
@usrvarchar(50), -- login USER
@pwdvarchar(50), -- login password
@tblvarchar(50), -- TABLE TO load/unload
@colvarchar(50), -- COLUMN TO load/unload
@whrvarchar(200), -- WHERE clause
@filvarchar(100), -- filename including path
@modchar(1) -- I FOR LOAD INTO Sql
-- Assumes:-- usage (assuming TextCopy.e
-- xe is in c:\)
CREATE TABLE pic (pic_id int,picture image)
UPDATE pic SET picture = 'xx'
-- Inserting image
EXEC sp_imp_exp_images 'c:\textCopy.exe',
'"where pic_id = 1"',
-- Extracting Image
EXEC sp_imp_exp_images 'c:\textCopy.exe',
'"where pic_id = 1"',
-- Side Effects:Import/Export of BLOBS
--This code is copyrighted and has-- limited warranties.Please see http://
-- http://www.1SQLStreet.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.498/
-- lngWId.5/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm--for details.--**************************************
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_imp_exp_images
(@runpath varchar(100), -- textCopy Location
@srvrvarchar(50), -- server TO LOAD
@db varchar(50), -- DATABASE TO LOAD
@usrvarchar(50), -- login USER
@pwdvarchar(50), -- login password
@tblvarchar(50), -- TABLE TO load/unload
@colvarchar(50), -- COLUMN TO load/unload
@whrvarchar(200), -- WHERE clause
@filvarchar(100), -- filename including path
@modchar(1)) -- I FOR LOAD INTO Sql , O FOR output FROM SQL
DECLARE @cmd varchar(1000)
SET @cmd = @runpath + ' /S ' + @srvr + ' /D ' + @db + ' /U ' + @usr +
' /P ' + @pwd+ ' /T ' + @tbl + ' /C ' + @col + ' /W ' + @whr +
' /F ' + @fil+ ' /' + @mod
EXEC Master..xp_cmdShell @cmd
January 14, 2004 at 7:27 am
thanks lowell,
this looks like it will help for the image files but i am still troubled by a description field (text datatype).
we are migrating our backend web database to a new structure, and the product description field contains formatted pages of text.
We resorted to changing the datatype to a varchar(8000), migrating the data, and then changing back to a text datatype. We do lose some special characters (ie. an apostrophe (') turns into a (?)) but if the text is longer than 8000 I risk truncation of data.
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