copy a table over to a linked server by ''SELECT ...INTO''

  • I'd do it the other way around IE:

    your way...

    select *


    from _all_props

    my preference...

    select *

    into dbo.Table_backup

    from SourceServer.SourceDatabase.DatabaseOwner._all_props




    Mark Baekdal

    +44 (0)208 241 1762

    Build, Comparison and Synchronization from Source Control = Database change management for SQL Server




  • try like this

    select *

    into Table_backup_1

    use alias for link server




  • Why would the alias make this work (even if it does, I don't see why it is required)??

  • The alias doesn't work.  There is no way to execute SELECT INTO server.db..tbl.

    If you want to copy a table from server A to server B, you could connect to server B and use:

       select * into db..tbl from A.db..tbl

    A sneaky way to do this from server A is to tell server B to execute that command

    exec B.master.dbo.sp_executesql N'select * into db..tbl from A.db..tbl'


  • Yup, that's almost as sneaky as Noeld's solution to join to stored procs .

  • The way I accomplish this is create the same table on the other server and execute an insert statement.

    delete from TableB     (if needed)

    insert into TableB  select * from ServerA.DatabaseA.dbo.TableA


  • He wants to do it the lazy way >> no create statement... but I know you're right .

  • Remi what do u think ab this?

    As the error message states, the SELECT/INTO form of the select clause just doesn't work using anything more than a 2 part naming convention.  You will need to do something like the following from the Beta server...

    SELECT *

    INTO dbo.Table_backup

    FROM Alpha.Work.dbo._all_props

    That may require you to setup another linked server so that BETA can read from ALPHA.

    --Jeff Moden

  • This is the simplest solution for this. however this is still the wrong method of doing this. There comes a point where laziness doesn't pay up. Create the table then insert into it. Doesn't take long to get a copy of the local table script and execute it on the other server.

  • I tried to do this without setting up a linked server (i.e. my own machine) on beta - it does not work. I have an administrative right on Beta, so I sh be able to create the linked server there that would point to my machine. I'm going to try this.

  • at least I learnt smth new as a result of this exercise

    Thanks to everyone for yr time!

  • Glad we could help.

  • Serqei,

    You cannot do this:

    select *


    from _all_props


    instead connect to the remote server and run this:


    select *

    into Table_backup

    from servername.dbname.dbo._all_props


    also make sure table_backup does not already exist because it gets created with select into.

    Jules Bui
    IT Operations DBA
    Backup and Restore Administrator

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