copy a table over to a linked server by ''SELECT ...INTO''

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to make a backup copy of a table '_all_props' on my local MS SQL Server 2000 by copying it to a linked server on a network. The linked server is called 'beta', destination db is 'work'. When I execute statement

    select *


    from _all_props

    I'm receiving message:

    Msg 117: The object name '' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2.

    Any idea how to accomplish the copying by code in Query Analyzer, other than by doing it through DTS Import/Export Wizard in SQL Server Enterprise Manager?



  • I would then presume that this operation is not doable that way. Have you tried creating the table on the other server and simply inserting into it?

  • the reason I asked is that I have a vague recollection that it can be accomplished that way, fast with just a couple of lines - I did it before but simply forgot the details. Alternative (though slower) way is to use DTS Manager. This morning I ended up doing exactly that.

    Thank u

  • Slower might be a strong word here. If you know your wizards, it takes less than 1 minute to do that. Now how fast can you type .

  • it's mostly clicking in the DTS wizard pointing to objects - boring to death. I'd better typa smth in QZ, or use a template.

  • Well hopefully someone will know how to do it. Good luck.

  • same to u

  • Actually, I was doing something along these lines on a linked server and ran into the same problem.  I too will be interested to know if there another way to identify a table on a linked server by using 4 prefixes.   

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • something like

    select * from beta.data_base.dbo.table_name

    works just fine, the problem starts when u attempt to create the new table on a linked server remptely from a local server.


    what do u mean by '4 prefixes' ? How can it be? Pls give an example. I thought 3 prefixes is a max.


  • Select * from (LinkedServer).(Database).(Owner).(Table/view)

  • cant you use this syntax



    select * from _all_props


  • No he wants Select into. Insert would do fine but he doesn't want to have to create the table first.

  • Remi:

    i was under impression tha 'prefix' is defined as 'identifier before an entity'

    ie in yr query above (post 2626) there are 3 prefixes before the table name, or in other words, the table name has 3 prefixes.

  • Remi was correct in interpretting my meaning.  I should have said three (3) prefixes instead of four; I erroneously counted the table name as a prefix.  Dopey me. 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • That could be correct :

    (LinkedServer).(Db).(Owner).(Table).Column = 4 prefixes .

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