Copy a stored from a DB to other DBs.....

  • Does someone knows some script that allows me to copy a stored from a DB to another DB, especially if the stored definition is larger than 4000 chars?

  • Are you referring to a stored procedure?

  • Yes

  • you could generate a script with enterprise manager na drun that script in the other db

  • My problem is that I have a DB in which I develop an application and then many other DBs where I have to update the structural changes. So when I modify a Stored then I have to generate the script to ALTER the stored and then make it run manually on the other DBs. I would like to have a command like "copy_stored <name> <sourceDB> <destDB>" so I can cycle my DBs and exec the command programmatically. I found that querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES I can get a stored definition, but it's limited to the first 4000 chars

  • Then you really have two choices

    1) Use Export wizard to export the SPs to the remote servers.

    2) Use the generate SQL script option to generate a single script file with drop and create of the SP's or do creates then open the file to edit and do a replace on CREATE PROCEDURE to ALTER PROCEDURE and do replace all. And then run the final product against all servers.

  • Try this have posted as a sciprt as well so should be available soon.

    USE master


    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE name = 'sp_CopyStoredprocedure')

    DROP PROCEDURE sp_CopyStoredprocedure


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_CopyStoredprocedure


    @procedure sysname

    ,@sourceDb sysname

    ,@targetdb sysname




    Written By : Simon Sabin

    Date : 12 November 2002

    Description : Copies a stored procedure from one database to another



    Date Change


    12/11/2002 Created


    DECLARE @lines int

    DECLARE @line int

    DECLARE @vline varchar(4)

    DECLARE @objectid varchar(10)

    DECLARE @DECLARE varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @SELECT varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @EXECUTE varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @PRINT varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)

    SET @sql = 'USE ' + @sourcedb + '

    SELECT @objectid = id, @lines = count(*)

    FROM ' + @sourcedb + '.dbo.syscomments

    WHERE id = object_id(@procedure)

    GROUP BY id'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@objectid int OUTPUT, @lines int OUTPUT, @procedure sysname', @objectid OUTPUT, @lines OUTPUT, @procedure

    SELECT @objectid , @lines , @procedure, @sql

    SET @DECLARE = ''

    SET @SELECT = ''

    SET @EXECUTE = ''

    SET @PRINT = ''

    SET @line = 0

    WHILE @line <= @lines


    SET @vline = @line

    SET @DECLARE = @DECLARE + char(10) + 'DECLARE @line' + @vline + ' nvarchar(4000)'

    SET @SELECT = @SELECT + char(10) + 'SELECT @line' + @vline + ' = text FROM ' + @sourcedb + '.dbo.syscomments WHERE colid = ' + @vline + ' AND id = ' + @objectid

    SET @EXECUTE = @EXECUTE + '+ @line' + @vline

    SET @PRINT = @PRINT + char(10) + 'PRINT @line' + @vline

    SET @line = @line + 1




    SET @EXECUTE = 'USE ' + @targetDb + char(10) + 'EXECUTE (''''' + @EXECUTE + ')'

    SET @sql = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ' + @targetDB + '.dbo.sysobjects WHERE name = @procedure )

    DROP PROCEDURE ' + @procedure

    exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@procedure sysname ', @procedure







    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

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