Copy a DTS from one server to another.

  • Greetings:  This may have been answered in another forum but I am pressed for time and have not found the answer as quickly as I had hoped.  If it has, please direct me to it and forgive the redundant question.

    I have a DTS package on a production server that needs to be modified but it does not exsits on my develpoment server.  (I no longer allow developers to modify on the production servers and this is being strictly enforced.)  IS there a quick and easy way to copy the DTS package from my production server to my development server so that they can modify it?  Once it is modified, I will need to copy the changed veriso back.  Both servers are the same in data/table structure and are SQL Server 2k.


    Kindest Regards,

    ** Obstacles are those frightening things that appear when we take our eyes off the goal. **

  • There is also a nice little GUI package available free from called 'DTS Backup 2000 UI' that's pretty handy. It can copy all DTS packages from one server to another or just selected ones. It's annoying to use if you packages have different passwords, but cool none the less.


    Pat Mong

  • You can simply open the package then save as and change the server location.

  • Duh! Sometimes we overlook the simple. Thanks Niles.

    Kindest Regards,

    ** Obstacles are those frightening things that appear when we take our eyes off the goal. **

  • the only problem with using the save as package to another server is the version dates of the package will be different on your development and production server.  I just use a DTS to copy the dts from sysdtspackages from our development server to the production server, there by the version dates remains the same.  here is the query that you can use:

    select t1.*

    from msdb..sysdtspackages as t1

    inner join (select name, id, max(createdate) as createdate

                from msdb..sysdtspackages

                group by name, id) as t2

    on =

    and t1.createdate = t2.createdate

    and = 'name of your dts goes here'

    order by

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