Copy a database between servers with one command

  • Hi Roland,

    I've been using your script just this morning and found all the issues above to be related to either of the following:

    - use of the period character (.) instead of double quote (") in bracing the batch IF statements (a method I hope was intended to prevent null comparison errors).

    - the assumption of well formed directory\file paths and omission of enclosing quotes ("").

    I believe the attached resolves these issues for at least simple use i.e. CopyDB.cmd SRCserver DSTserver SRCdatabase DSTdatabase

    I also added the examples to the help menu and fixed the "summary server information" section alignment as best I could reckon (is "Ziel-Log Pfad" in reference to the Log file?)




    Accidental DBA (Intentional ScriptKiddie)

  • Hi Mick,

    thanks for your modifications. I did some more modifications and after they are tested I will provide the command file here again.

    Regards Roland

  • ofirgeller22 (9/23/2014)

    running on localhost, cmd as admin

    copyDB.cmd localhost databaseName databaseNameCopy

    im getting:

    Files\Microsoft was unexpected at this time.

    same when i give the name of the server and not localhost.

    Having a similar error when I try to run...

    copyDB.cmd sourceServerName targetServerName databaseName

  • Anybody try putting this into a batch file or something of that nature to try and move a lot of DBs in an automated fashion?

    If so care to share an example?

  • Hi mprokop04,

    do you mean something like this:

    1.) Open a query on the source server

    2.) Run: select 'call c:\temp\copydb ' + @@servername + ' TargetServer\TargetInstance ' + Name + ' offline' from sys.databases where database_id > 4

    3.) Copy the result in a new commandfile e.g. C:\temp\CopyAllDBsOffline.cmd

    4.) Run C:\temp\CopyAllDBsOffline.cmd

    Important! Do not use the Start command instead of Call because there will be a conflict with temporary files while executing copyDB.cmd

    Regards Roland

  • Hi,

    Have you ever tried to call CopyDB.cmd from an SQL Job ?

    I've created a job with a job step of cmdExec type and the command is like :

    cmd.exe /c "D:\TEMP\CopyDB sourceInst destInst sourceDB destDB"

    Note : The SQL agent account is windows admin and sysadmin on both server.

    The job history output gives access error

    I think there's a problem with the access path.

  • Hello all,

    as promised I've now tested the new version (20141104) and you will find the download here:

    This version now supports blanks in path and filenames. Nevertheless I recommend not to use blanks in path, filenames, devicenames or database names.

    I've also added a section for post processing. Some databases have to be copied several times and after the copy there are some special actions to do. This special actions can be applied in a post processing script. For example it may look like this:

    @echo off

    rem post processing

    if /I .%SQLServerT%.==.MyTargetServer. goto PostProcessing1

    if /I .%DB%.==.MySourceDB. goto PostProcessing2

    if /I .%DB:~0,4%.==.ABC_. goto PostProcessing3

    goto end


    %SQLCommand% -E -S %SQLServerT% -d %TargetDBName% -Q"sp_adduser [MyUsername]"

    goto end


    %SQLCommand% -E -S %SQLServerT% -d %TargetDBName% -Q"sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', [MyUsername]"

    goto end


    %SQLCommand% -E -S %SQLServerT% -d %TargetDBName% -Q"ALTER LOGIN [MyUsername] WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE=[MyDB], DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=[us_english]"

    goto end


    Regards Roland

  • Any plans to modify this to support Azure SQL DB?

  • Hi psheperia,

    no, there are no plans because I don't use Azure.

    Best regards, Roland

  • Ok thanks Roland. Shame, it's so similar to SQL Server but copying between there and SQL Server is a pain. I may put a tool together myself, just thought it was worth asking first.

    Kind regards


  • Hello,

    The typical backup and restore methodology between 2 servers at different versions (ex. SQL 2012 db backed up and restored to SQL 2008) does not work\ is not supported by SQL Server.

    Will the DBCopy script allow a SQL 2012 database to be copied to a SQL 2008?

    many thanks,


  • Hello Metcalfe,

    sure it is not possible to downgrade databases. To do so you have to create a new database on the old version SQL-Server and transfer the objects of the new database to the new created database.

    Have a nice Weekend, Roland

  • Just ran across this. Good, good stuff.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Am I missing something? It looks like to me that the source parameter is missing the database name. How does the script know which database to copy?

  • Nevermind....

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