converting to date format

  • Hello everyone! I have a table that have a field type nvarchar(6) and it suppost to be dates, the way that the data is display is like this 112807 and not all populated it contains blanks - how do I canvert it into a redable 11/27/2007. I tried this CONVERT(datetime, ODCDAT,102) and CAST(ODCDAT as datetime), and I get this error "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime."

    Any suggestions..


  • Look at the function stuff and to put in the / in the correct places then try convert/cast.

  • the error means there is dat in your column that it cannot convert to a valid date.

    select case when yourcol = '' or yourcol is null then null

    else convert(datetime, yourcol, format ) -- (see BOL))


    from ...


    select substring (yourcol, 1,2) + '/' + substring (yourcol, 3,2) + '/' + substring (yourcol, 5,2)

    from ...


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  • Try something like this


    SET @MyDate = '112807'


  • Loads of ways to do, here is what I was talking about.


    SET @MyDate = '112807'

    SELECT CAST(STUFF(STUFF(@MyDate,5,0,'/'),3,0,'/') as DATETIME)

  • thanks, here is the line I entered and gave me the same error!

    CASE when ODCDAT = ' ' or ODCDAT is null then null

    else convert(datetime, ODCDAT,102)END AS LastDateUsed,

  • 102 in a convert statement expects the date to be like this, you need to change the order of the dd mm yy parts of the date before passing it into convert.


  • maynor_ramirez (11/28/2007)

    Hello everyone! I have a table that have a field type nvarchar(6) and it suppost to be dates, the way that the data is display is like this 112807 and not all populated it contains blanks - how do I canvert it into a redable 11/27/2007. I tried this CONVERT(datetime, ODCDAT,102) and CAST(ODCDAT as datetime), and I get this error "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime."

    Any suggestions..


    1 Always use proper DAETTIME datatype to store dates

    2 Always leave formation work at the front end application(If used)

    3 Use universal date format YYYYMMDD to avoid conflict with local settings

    4 If you cant change the datatype, create new column with DATETIME datatype and update it from nvarcha column and use that DATETIME column for further manipulation


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