Converting rows into one column

  • I have table which has values like this:

    FirstName | LastName | ContractType


    John | Smith | Fixed

    John | Smith | TimeMaterial

    John | Smith | CostType

    John | Smith | Flexibly Priced

    I want to create something like this

    FirstName | LastName | ContractType


    John | Smith | Fixed, TimeMaterial, CostType, Flexibly Priced


  • Jeff Moden had a wonderful bit of magic with XML formatting commands which don't end up doing XML, etc to make CSV lists in SQL.

    This ought to do what you want....

    create table #myTable( firstname varchar(50), surname varchar(50), contractType varchar(50), primary key clustered(surname, firstname, contractType) )

    insert into #myTable( firstname, surname, contractType )

    select 'John', 'Smith', 'Fixed'


    select 'John', 'Smith', 'TimeMaterial'


    select 'John', 'Smith', 'CostType'


    select 'John', 'Smith', 'Flexibly Priced'






    select ', ' + myTableX.ContractType

    from #myTable myTableX

    where myTableX.firstname = myTable.Firstname

    and myTableX.surname = myTable.surname

    FOR XML PATH('')


    1, 2, '')

    from #myTable myTable

    group by firstname, surname

    drop table #myTable

    Something I should point out however - I haven't tested for multiple employees (but it ought to work without problem).

    Secondly, for what purpose do you need the CSV? Often such formatting is best done in GUI / reporting although it can sometimes be easier if it's done at the SQL level 🙂

  • I hope this helps



    , lastName

    , max(Case when ContractType = 'Fixed' then ContractType else '0' end)

    + ',' + max(Case when ContractType = 'TimeMaterial' then ContractType else '0' end)

    + ',' + max(Case when ContractType = 'CostType' then ContractType else '0' end)

    + ',' + max(Case when ContractType = 'Flexibly Priced' then ContractType else '0' end) as ContractType

    from test1

    where ContractType in('Fixed','TimeMaterial','CostType','Flexibly Priced')

    group by FirstName , lastNamegroup by FirstName , lastName

  • I tried TonyJ's suggestion since it was easy enough for me.



    , lastName

    , max(Case when ContractType = 'Fixed' then ContractType else '0' end)

    + ',' + max(Case when ContractType = 'TimeMaterial' then ContractType else '0' end)

    + ',' + max(Case when ContractType = 'CostType' then ContractType else '0' end)

    + ',' + max(Case when ContractType = 'Flexibly Priced' then ContractType else '0' end) as ContractType

    from test1

    where ContractType in('Fixed','TimeMaterial','CostType','Flexibly Priced')

    group by FirstName , lastNamegroup by FirstName , lastName

    Thanks TonyJ, It works but it doesn't work when u have this scenario

    FirstName | LastName | ContractType


    John | Smith | Fixed Price

    Meaning u have only one ContractType and u don't have other Contract Types such as Cost Type, TimeMaterial, Flexibly Priced.

    I get output

    FirstName | LastName | ContractType


    John | Smith | Fixed Price, , ,

    I need this for SQL Reports, I don't care to generate any CSV files. I have field in my report where I have to display using columns in one row. Any help is appreciated.


  • if you are looking at my sol. then

    try this..

    select FirstName,lastName, left(ContractType, len(ContractType)-1) as ContractType




    , lastName

    , isnull(max(Case when ContractType = 'Fixed' then ContractType else null end) + ',' ,'')

    + isnull(max(Case when ContractType = 'TimeMaterial' then ContractType else null end)+ ',' ,'')

    + isnull(max(Case when ContractType = 'CostType' then ContractType else null end) + ',' ,'')

    + isnull(max(Case when ContractType = 'Flexibly Priced' then ContractType else null end) + ',','') as ContractType

    from test1

    where ContractType in('Fixed','TimeMaterial','CostType','Flexibly Priced')

    group by FirstName , lastName) t

  • if you are using Sql server 2005 you use Pivot operation to perform this

    select firstName, lastName , left(ContractType ,len(ContractType)-1) as ContractType

    from (

    SELECT firstName, lastName , isnull([Fixed] + ',','')

    + isnull([TimeMaterial] + ',','')

    + isnull([CostType] + ',' ,'')

    + isnull([Flexibly Priced]+ ',','') as ContractType

    FROM dbo.test1

    PIVOT (max(ContractType) FOR ContractType IN

    ([Fixed],[TimeMaterial],[CostType],[Flexibly Priced])) as SalesPivot

    ) t


  • Thanks TonyJ, It works but it doesn't work when u have this scenario

    And, still, you haven't tried the solution that Ian posted which doesn't have that problem... 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
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    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • can you make it little more clear - in what scenario it will not work=?


  • This will work with multiple employees and contract types.



    declare @firstName varchar(50),

    @surName varchar(50),

    @contractType varchar(500)

    create table #results (firstName varchar(50),

    surname varchar(50),

    contractType varchar(500))

    declare curRecs cursor local for

    select distinct firstname, surname from #myTable

    open curRecs

    fetch next from curRecs into @firstName, @surName

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @contractType = NULL

    select @contractType = COALESCE(@contractType + ', ', '') + t.contractType

    from #myTable t

    where t.firstName = @firstName and t.surName = @surName

    insert #results (firstName, surName, contractType)

    values (@firstName, @surName, @contractType)

    fetch next from curRecs into @firstName, @surName


    select * from #results

    drop table #results

  • You would use a cursor and while loop instead of a set based solution?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff,

    Yes, I would consider using a cursor over the set based approach depending on the circumstances such as the size of the dataset and use for which I need the solution.

    If you look at the solutions proposed ahead of mine, they all have hard-coded value tests in the select statement. That limits flexibility if the range of values every change. You are then left with trying to track down the bit of code and revise it.

    Robert's post following your's actually makes use of the same technique as mine for creating the concatenated column. I do like his solution better with wrapping it in a function and then calling the function from the SELECT.


  • In ASA there is a LIST() aggregate function, so the query would be simple as this:

    select FirstName , LastName , list(ContractType) from contrators

    group by FirstName , LastName

    MSSQL does not have it, unfortunately, but has something even more flexible - custom aggregates:

    create function dbo.list_ContractType(@FirstName varchar(31), @LastName varchar(31)) returns varchar(1000)


    declare @result varchar(1000);

    select @result=coalesce(@result+',','')+ContractType from contrators where firstname=@firstname and lastname=@lastname

    return @result



    select FirstName , LastName , list_ContractType(FirstName , LastName) from contrators

    group by FirstName , LastName

    you should have index for FirstName , LastName or better - normalize the table as it would improve the speed and storage efficiency.

  • Chris Schanno (3/6/2008)


    Yes, I would consider using a cursor over the set based approach depending on the circumstances such as the size of the dataset and use for which I need the solution.

    If you look at the solutions proposed ahead of mine, they all have hard-coded value tests in the select statement. That limits flexibility if the range of values every change. You are then left with trying to track down the bit of code and revise it.

    Robert's post following your's actually makes use of the same technique as mine for creating the concatenated column. I do like his solution better with wrapping it in a function and then calling the function from the SELECT.


    I must have missed something here; what was wrong with the XML solution Ian posted? It didn't have any hard-coded values. I thought it was very creative, and probably something I'd do in the future.

  • Chris Schanno (3/6/2008)


    Yes, I would consider using a cursor over the set based approach depending on the circumstances such as the size of the dataset and use for which I need the solution.

    The only time I even use a while loop is to break up a super large delete or update or to traverse databases. With the advent of VARCHAR(MAX), there's no need to use a While Loop to travers databases anymore. To actually process any type of columunar data in a RBAR fashion using a Cursor or While Loop, no matter what the reason, is pretty much the wrong thing to do. But, whatever... it's your code.

    I agree... Bob's solution is the classic solution for this problem... notice... no cursor there, either. 🙂

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Nothing wrong with XML solution. On the contrary, it's very good. I think I'll find plenty of good uses for it as I hate to create a function for each aggregate.

    My solution is well known concept and works with older servers, XML solution is something new I'm glad I learned about. 😎

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