converting .pdf and .doc files into binary

  • Hi All,

    can any body please tell me the way/querry to store pdf and doc file in database. I am using SQL2005.

  • I think that the post below should help.

  • create table #ORStable (doclen bigint, doc varbinary(max))

    insert into #ORStable

    select len(bulkcolumn), * from openrowset(bulk 'C:\TABLEINFO.TXT', SINGLE_BLOB)

    as r

    select * from #ORStable

    select CAST(doc as nvarchar(MAX)) from #ORStable

    or search for openrowset

  • don't forget the document name so you can restore it back from the image!

    create table #ORStable (docname varchar(255), doclen bigint, doc varbinary(max))


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