January 29, 2010 at 10:51 am
I got this :
DECLARE @OriginalDateDebut datetime
DECLARE @HeureDebut nvarchar(5)
DECLARE @tempDateDebut datetime
DECLARE @tempVarchar nvarchar(30)
SET @OriginalDateDebut = GETDATE()
SET @HeureDebut = '17:30'
set @tempVarchar = CAST(CONVERT(DATE, @OriginalDateDebut,21) AS nvarchar(10))
set @tempVarchar = @tempVarchar + ' ' + @HeureDebut + ':00'
select @tempVarchar
Which gives me : 2010-01-29 17:30:00
But when I try :
set @tempDateDebut = cast(@tempVarchar as DATETIME)
I get : The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range...
Is there a way to cast a varchar in a date format (ie:2010-01-29 17:30:00) to a datetime variable?
Thank you
January 29, 2010 at 11:04 am
Your dateformat is probably dmy. Your code worked for me, to get it to fail I had to set dateformat to dmy.
Try the following, it creates the string in ISO8601 format.
DECLARE @ OriginalDateDebut datetime
DECLARE @ HeureDebut nvarchar(5)
DECLARE @ tempDateDebut datetime
DECLARE @ tempVarchar nvarchar(30) -- added spaces between @ and variable name to allow code to post.
SET @OriginalDateDebut = GETDATE()
SET @HeureDebut = '17:30'
set @tempVarchar = CAST(CONVERT(DATE, @OriginalDateDebut,21) AS nvarchar(10))
set @tempVarchar = @tempVarchar + 'T' + @HeureDebut + ':00'
select @tempVarchar
set @tempDateDebut = cast(@tempVarchar as DATETIME)
select @tempDateDebut
January 29, 2010 at 11:09 am
Question, are you trying to return todays date at 17:30 as part of this query? If so, you could do the following:
select dateadd(mi, 1050, dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,getdate()), 0))
January 29, 2010 at 11:29 am
You saved my life! lol
The only thing missing was the 'T' between the date and the time, everything works perfectly!
Thanks a lot!
January 31, 2010 at 2:50 am
Avoid string manipulation of dates and times if at all possible.
An alternative approach might be:
@TimeOnly TIME = '17:30',
@DateTime DATETIME2;
SELECT @DateTime = @DateOnly,
@DateTime = DATEADD(HOUR, DATEPART(HOUR, @TimeOnly), @DateTime),
@DateTime = DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEPART(MINUTE, @TimeOnly), @DateTime);
PRINT @DateTime;
January 31, 2010 at 1:45 pm
Paul White (1/31/2010)
Avoid string manipulation of dates and times if at all possible.An alternative approach might be:
@TimeOnly TIME = '17:30',
@DateTime DATETIME2;
SELECT @DateTime = @DateOnly,
@DateTime = DATEADD(HOUR, DATEPART(HOUR, @TimeOnly), @DateTime),
@DateTime = DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEPART(MINUTE, @TimeOnly), @DateTime);
PRINT @DateTime;
Or, using your setup:
select cast(@DateOnly as datetime) + cast(@TimeOnly as datetime); -- tried datetime2 and it didn't want to work
January 31, 2010 at 5:10 pm
Yes. DATETIME2 does not support the add operator:
[font="Courier New"]Msg 8117, Level 16, State 1, Line xx
Operand data type datetime2 is invalid for add operator.[/font]
Adding dates directly has always seemed a bit 'dodgy' so I'm quite pleased about this change.
Though not as compact, I think I prefer the method using DATEADD and DATEPART.
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