Converting European Currency Format to United States

  • SSIS tries to drop the CSV value into NUMERIC(20,2) field. This works well as long as the currency is written in the United States format 123456.99. But the European format 123.455,99 causes it to crash when parsing. I changed the type from NUMERIC(20, 2) to CURRENCY and SSIS returned a conversion error. So the question is this. Is there a way to have SSIS directly convert the European format or will I need to read it in as a string, then manually change the radix and remove the thousands separator and then convert it to Unites States format? Any help is appreciated.



  • So long as every value will have 2 decimal places (regardless of what the radix format is like), this should do it... not sure how you'd use it in SSIS but perhaps it'll spark an idea for you...

    --===== Create a test table. This is NOT a part of the solution

    SELECT *

    INTO #TestTable

    FROM (

    SELECT '123.455,99' UNION ALL

    SELECT '123456.99'

    )testdata (Amount)

    --===== Preprocess the data to "normalize" it to a U.S. format

    SELECT OriginalAmount = Amount,

    NormalizedAmount = CASE LEFT(RIGHT(Amount,3),1)

    WHEN ',' THEN REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Amount,',','D'),'.',''),'D','.')

    ELSE Amount


    FROM #TestTable

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  • Thanks for the reply Jeff. I have considered something very similar. Since the data is coming in as a string <technically> since it comes in from a CSV file, I can read the field as a string and use an inline script or derived column in the data flow to perform any needed modifications. It would something fairly similar to your code. I was hoping that there would be a simpler solution. But there may not be... It wouldn't be the first time. 🙂

  • I've just played around with this and there does not appear to be a way to do it without writing a bit of code, as you've already anticipated.

    I think I'd do it with a derived column: first replacing '.' with '<empty string>' and then ',' with '.' (which can be done in a single expression) should do it.

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  • @Phil

    I agree and can find no better way either. That seems to be the simplest way and I'm all for that.



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