converting case statement to config table

  • Hi

    I have a stored procedure in which we are deriving some flags. So, we used series of CASE statements.

    For examples


    WHEN LEFT(CommissionerCode, 3) IN ('ABC','DEF',...) THEN 1

    WHEN PracticeCode IN (.......) THEN 1

    WHEN (CommissionerCode IN (.....) OR PracticeCode NOT IN (.....) OR .....) THEN 1

    ELSE 0


    I need to put these conditions in config table and generate dynamic sql.

    What is the best way to do this? especially, 3rd condition with OR logic with multiple columns involved.

  • I'm not sure I'm following you.

    Can you post a more articulate example?

    What kind of dynamic sql are you trying to generate?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • How about..

    Create a new table, and let's call it [Codes] for example.

    Two columns, names are examples:

    [FldNm] [varchar](2) not null

    [FldCd] [varchar](3) not null

    Population in [Codes] table is:

    [FldNm] , [FldCd]

    CC , ABC

    CC , DEF

    PC , 123

    PC , 456

    Then your case statement would be:


    WHEN LEFT(CommissionerCode, 3) IN (select [FldCd] from [Codes] where [FldNm] = 'CC') THEN 1

    WHEN PracticeCode IN (select [FldCd] from [Codes] where [FldNm] = 'PC') THEN 1

    WHEN (CommissionerCode IN (select [FldCd] from [Codes] where [FldNm] = 'CC') OR PracticeCode NOT IN (select [FldCd] from [Codes] where [FldNm] = 'PC') OR .....) THEN 1

    ELSE 0


    This way, your sql code could remain unchanged, and all you would have to do is add/remove entries in your [Codes] table, which then would populate your IN criteria.

    Solve your problem?

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