• I have a table with a column set to NVARCHAR(100). In a simple explanation I am looking for a match on this column with data supplied to a Stored Proc.

    Create Proc s_Test

    @Parent varchar(50),

    @Name nvarchar(100)


    Declare @NameAudit nvarchar(100)

    select @NameAudit = Name from Table Where Parent = @Parent

    IF @NameAudit = @Name



    I will get a match if I execute the proc with the N' prefix:

    exec dbo.s_Test @Parent = 'Iraq',@Name = N'AL ANBĀR'

    I will not get a match if I don't use the N' Prefix:

    exec dbo.s_Test @Parent = 'Iraq',@Name = 'AL ANBĀR'

    Can I convert that @Name within the proc so the N' prefix is implied?

  • It should match in either case because the parameter itself is NVARCHAR so it should do an implicit conversion.

    Here's a test I have done (I'm using 2005 so could be a difference):

    CREATE TABLE nvarchar_testa (colA NVARCHAR(10));


    CREATE PROCEDURE nvarchar_test


    @param NVARCHAR(10)








    nvarchar_testa AS NT


    colA = @param;

    RETURN ;


    INSERT INTO nvarchar_testa (


    ) VALUES (

    N'Jêêp' );

    EXEC nvarchar_test @param = N'Jêêp';

    EXEC nvarchar_test @param = 'Jêêp';

    DROP TABLE nvarchar_testa;

    DROP PROCEDURE nvarchar_test;

    And in both cases the row is returned. Can you provide table structures and test data like I have so we can see if there are any differences?

  • Jack,

    Thanks for the reply. I thought it should convert it automatically too because I set the param @Name as an NVARCHAR but it doesn't work that way for me. Not sure why.

    The column [State] is an NVARCHAR(360)

    If do a simple select on the table without the N' Prefix no results are returned. Which is expected.

    select * from tTable Where State = 'AL ANBAR'


    select * from tTable Where State = N'AL ANBAR'


    However my question is, Can it be converted if it is not intially passed as that datatype?

  • I thought I might be able to set the value of the param to a new value with the N' prefix but I think that might require some dynamic SQL. I could do this at the begining of the procedure.

    It's definitley odd... I assumed it would set it to a NVARCHAR type but the N' prefix must do something else. I'm not sure what exactly takes place when you do or don't provide that.

  • I can't duplicate the issue on a 2005 box. Perhaps there is an issue with 2000 that was fixed in 2005. The only thing I can think of is that your ANSI_PADDING setting might be causing an issue.

  • By using or not using "N" you define the datatype of the string you supply to the parameter of the procedure.

    If "N" is missing then you supply non-unicode string and whatever you pass is being converted to varchar with default database collation.

    To see it for yourself run this simple test:

    select 'AL ANBAR', N'AL ANBAR'

    See the difference?

    Because the conversion happens even before the value is assigned to the parameter you cannot do anything about it from inside of the procedure.

    You need to fix the way you call the procedure(s) from UI.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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