convert to regular time

  • Hi,

    how i can convert the last_occurrence_time in the msdb..sysalerts to regular time like hh:mm:ss


  • You are going to need to convert to varchar and parse the parts. It will vary based on length. So before 10 am you'll have shorter lengths for the hour while the seconds and minutes should be the same.

    Something like:

    ;WITH cteAlertTimes AS



    CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), last_occurrence_date) AS last_date,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), last_occurrence_time) AS last_time,

    LEN(CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), last_occurrence_time)) AS len_last_time

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts AS S



    CONVERT(DATETIME, last_date + ' ' + CASE len_last_time

    WHEN 6 THEN LEFT(last_time, 2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(last_time, 3, 2)

    WHEN 5 THEN LEFT(last_time, 1) + ':' + SUBSTRING(last_time, 2, 2)

    ELSE '00:' + LEFT(last_time, 2)

    END + ':' + RIGHT(last_time, 2)) AS last_date_and_time_as_datetime



    Edit: Moved the start of the code block to the start of the code.

  • Admittedly, almost all of the effort to execute the above query will be spent retrieving the data pages from disk, and it would be difficult to measure the CPU time required to do the string manipulation. But it bothers the premature optimizer in me to cause the allocation and destruction of so many string objects unnecessarily. I don't know for a fact that SQL Server has to allocate and garbage-collect a CLR string object for every string literal, function, and operator in a query, but if it does then that query creates 23 string objects per row.

    This query cuts the number of string objects down to 10 per row.

    SELECT CAST(CAST(NULLIF(last_occurrence_date, 0) AS CHAR(8)) + ' ' +

    STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(CAST(last_occurrence_time + 1000000 AS CHAR(7)), 6),

    5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':') AS DATETIME) AS last_date_and_time_as_datetime

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts

    This query uses numeric methods and avoids strings completely.

    WITH cteAlertTimes

    AS ( SELECT last_occurrence_date / 10000 - 1900 AS yr ,

    last_occurrence_date / 100 % 100 - 1 AS mo ,

    last_occurrence_date % 100 - 1 AS dy ,

    last_occurrence_time / 10000 AS hr ,

    last_occurrence_time / 100 % 100 AS mi ,

    last_occurrence_time % 100 AS sec

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts

    WHERE last_occurrence_date > 0


    SELECT DATEADD(second, sec,

    DATEADD(minute, mi,

    DATEADD(hour, hr,

    DATEADD(month, mo, DATEADD(YEAR, yr, 0))

    + dy)))

    FROM cteAlertTimes

    Okay, I spent more time writing this than you'll ever save by using it. But I've already wasted enough money on post-holiday online clearance sales and had to find a cheaper way to pass the time.

  • Maybe this will help. The AsOfDateTime column will return nulls if its an invalid date. Ofcourse if all you want is the datetime and not the other columns in the table you can drop the case statement and build a where clause to filter for last_occurrence_time>0. I use a Convert rather than a Cast its costlier but has a style param namely 112 for dates in the format of yyyymmdd

    SELECT AsOfDateTime=case when last_occurrence_date>0

    then convert(datetime,





    FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts

  • Pratap,

    I get a conversion error when I run your code.


    Your code is faster. Nice.

  • drop the convert(datetime from the code and run. See what filter condition needs to be added to the case/where,(it has to be one or more records in your table of a type that has not been logged in my sysalerts). Since it would then return a char column it should be visible. Needs just 2 dashs preceding the convert statement and the ,112)

    SELECT AsOfDateTime=case when last_occurrence_date>0

    then --convert(datetime,





    FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts

  • Pratap Prabhu (12/29/2009)

    drop the convert(datetime from the code and run. See what filter condition needs to be added to the case/where,(it has to be one or more records in your table of a type that has not been logged in my sysalerts). Since it would then return a char column it should be visible. Needs just 2 dashs preceding the convert statement and the ,112)

    SELECT AsOfDateTime=case when last_occurrence_date>0

    then --convert(datetime,





    FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts

    Obviously you've not tested that against any times prior to 10AM. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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