convert sum of seconds to time h:mm:ss

  • ,case when sum([CallsAnswered]) = 0 then 0 else sum([TalkTime]+[HoldTime]+[PostCallProcessingTime])/sum([CallsAnswered]) end as [IB HandleTime (Sec)]

    TalkTime, holdtime, postcallprocessingTime are all sum of seconds after dividing the sum of those, into the calls answered to get handle time, instead of getting 1300 seconds, how would I convert this to h:mm:ss? 1300 seconds = 0:21:40

  • As long as you're under 24 hours you can use the following.

    DECLARE @duration_sec INT = 1300

    SELECT DATEADD(SECOND, @duration_sec, CAST('00:00' AS TIME))

    This method should work for any unit of time as long as the total duration is under 24 hours. If your duration is 24 hours or more, it becomes a bit more complicated.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thanks for the help! So, the HandleTime will vary, depending on user -- all times will be less than 24 hours.

    In he declare statement - is = 1300 hard coded?

  • Where would I want to enter that?


    CONVERT (varchar,TimeStamp,1) AS 'DATE'

    ,cast([AgentLogin] as int) as EXT

    ,[AgentSurname] + ' ' + [AgentGivenName] + ' - ' + [AgentLogin] as '[Name & ext]'

    ,[AgentLogin] as Phone_EXT

    ,[AgentSurName]+', '+[AgentGivenName] as 'Agent Name'

    ,[SupervisorSurName]+', '+[SupervisorGivenName] as 'TeamLeader'


    ,sum([CallsOffered]) as Calls_Off

    ,sum([CallsAnswered]) as Calls_Ans

    ,sum([HoldTime]) as HoldTime

    ,sum([TalkTime]) as TalkTime

    ,sum([PostCallProcessingTime]) as ACW

    ,sum([DNInExtCalls]) as Ext_In_Calls

    ,sum([DNInExtCallsTalkTime]) as Ext_In_Calls_TalkTime

    ,sum([DNInExtCallsHoldTime]) as Ext_In_Calls_HoldTime

    ,sum([DNInIntCalls]) as Int_In_Calls

    ,sum([DNInIntCallsTalkTime]) as Int_In_Calls_TalkTime

    ,sum([DNOutExtCalls]) as OutBound_Calls

    ,Sum([DNOutExtCallsTalkTime]) as OutBound_TalkTime

    ,sum([DNOutExtCallsHoldTime]) as OutBound_HoldTime

    ,sum([DNOutIntCalls]) as Interncal_OB_Calls

    ,sum([DNOutIntCallsTalkTime]) as Internal_OB_Calls_TalkTime

    ,sum([LoggedInTime]) as LoggedInTime

    ,sum([NotReadyTime]) as NotReadyTime

    ,[Time] as Interval

    ,sum([DNOutExtCallsHoldTime]) as OB_Calls_Hold_Time

    ,sum([DNOutIntCallsHoldTime]) as Internal_calls_hold_time

    ,sum([NumberTimesNotReady]) as Time_Entered_NotReady

    ,case when sum([CallsAnswered]) = 0 then 0 else sum([TalkTime]+[HoldTime]+[PostCallProcessingTime])/sum([CallsAnswered]) end as [IB HandleTime]

    ,case when sum([DNOutExtCalls]) = 0 then 0 else sum([DNOutExtCallsTalkTime]+[DNOutExtCallsHoldTime])/sum([DNOutExtCalls]) end as [OB HandleTime (sec)]

    ,case when sum([LoggedInTime]) = 0 then 0 else sum([NotReadyTime])/ CAST(sum([LoggedInTime])as money) end as [% of NotReady Time]

    ,case when sum([DNOutExtCallsTalkTime])= 0 then 0 else (sum([NotReadyTime])-sum([DNOutExtCallsTalkTime])-sum([DNOutExtCallsHoldTime]))/ CAST(sum(LoggedInTime) as money) end as [% of Unproductive Time]

    ,case when sum([NumberTimesNotReady]) = 0 then 0 else sum([NotReadyTime])/sum([NumberTimesNotReady]) end as [Avg Time not ready]

    ,case when sum([LoggedInTime]) = 0 then 0 else (sum([LoggedInTime]) -sum([TalkTime]+[HoldTime]+[PostCallProcessingTime]+[DNOutExtCallsTalkTime]+[DNOutExtCallsHoldTime]+[DNInExtCallsTalkTime]+[DNInExtCallsHoldTime])) *100/cast(sum([LoggedInTime]) as money) end as [(%) Of Unproductive time]

    FROM [LDW_Avaya].[dbo].[dAgentPerformanceStat]

    WHERE [AgentGivenName] not like '%test%'

    GROUP BY [AgentLogin]








    ORDER BY 3 .

  • To use the formula, just change the variable with your "seconds" value. My guess is that you need to replace @Duration_Sec with sum([TalkTime]+[HoldTime]+[PostCallProcessingTime])/sum([CallsAnswered]).

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • drew.allen (8/9/2016)

    As long as you're under 24 hours you can use the following.

    DECLARE @duration_sec INT = 1300

    SELECT DATEADD(SECOND, @duration_sec, CAST('00:00' AS TIME))

    This method should work for any unit of time as long as the total duration is under 24 hours. If your duration is 24 hours or more, it becomes a bit more complicated.


    Just if someone is interested on the version for over 24hours.

    DECLARE @duration_sec INT = 354132502

    SELECT STUFF( CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(SECOND, @duration_sec, 0), 108), 1, 2, @duration_sec / 3600)

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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