Convert Seconds to Minutes

  • Guys, is there a way to add a new column to show HH-MM-SS ( as per below example).  In excel for example i would simply divide the seconds by 86400 and change the format in the column to hh-ss-mm.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Log') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Log
    ( '10', 'Dave', '64131', '92'),
    ( '11', 'Jim', '64132', '238'),
    ( '12', 'Steve', '64133', '185')) d

    ( SEQ, NAME, REF, Seconds)

    SELECT * FROM #Log


  • Why are your seconds stored as strings? Convert them to integers, then this should do the trick.

    SELECT  *, [HH-MM-SS] = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, l.Seconds, 0) AS time(0))
    FROM #Log AS l;
  • Perfect thank you so much still learning and I really appreciate it. Just one last question, if i had another Second column ie 'Second2' how would i show the total for both columns in minutes as per below.

  • Its ok, i think i can do something like. Thanks for your time

    CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, Seconds + Second2, 0) AS time(0)) as count
  • DesNorton wrote:

    Why are your seconds stored as strings? Convert them to integers, then this should do the trick.

    SELECT  *, [HH-MM-SS] = CAST(DATEADD(SECOND, l.Seconds, 0) AS time(0))
    FROM #Log AS l;

    I prefer a slightly different formula since you are really only interested in the time component.  There's no reason to depend on an implicit conversion to datetime.

    SELECT  *, [HH-MM-SS] = DATEADD(SECOND, l.Seconds, CAST('00:00:00' AS time(0)))
    FROM #Log AS l;


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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