July 28, 2011 at 4:51 pm
Hello Everyone
I have been working on this, and cannot seem to figure it out. I am pumping date into SQL from an old, very antiquated piece of junk system that stores everything in text files. One issue that I have, is with the dates. They are being stored as a date time value, but in a string of numbers, almost like Unix style.
example: 201106101245
Now, If you look closely, you will see that the example is really this : 2011:06:10:12:45 ( June 10, 2011 12:45 PM )
I am trying to convert this into a valid datetime value before inserting it into the SQL Table.
Can anyone give me some advice on how I can perform this conversion?
Thank You in advance for all your help and advice
July 28, 2011 at 4:55 pm
Try this:
select convert(datetime,stuff(stuff('201106101245',9,0,' '),12,0,':'),112)
select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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
July 28, 2011 at 5:56 pm
Hey Buddy
That did the trick, thank you so very much.
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