Convert my data to Spanish!

  • Are there any tools out there that work well with SQL Server that can be used to convert English data (stored in tables) to Spanish?

    Any help/ideas will be greatly appreciated!!


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  • What do you mean by English data?  Do you mean the data stored in text, ntext, varchar, nvarchar, char and nchar fields? 

    If you want other languages/character sets/alphabets to appear in those fields, then you need to make sure their data type is ntext, nchar, or nvarchar and your T-SQL would need to use the N identifier in front of the variable/text  Update tblEsp set myfield=N'um pouco espanol' where.....  Also, make sure that all your ASP or other applications that are passing the variables to your stored procedures are passing those variables as the new data type (otherwise you will get ???????? for your data).

    If data is already in those fields and you want to convert the english text to espanol, then you will have to hire a translator or use some machine language translation program. 

    Hope this helps


  • I have recently been asked to make a site "World Wide" and have come up with a few Ideas.  Our Scenario:

    Users around the world need to enter employee information including for this example Name and Address

    Assuming that the names and the streetname cannot be translated (Jaquez cannot be made into Jack)

    I suggest Breaking everything up as much as you can so the address Columns would look like this 

    StreetNumber Varchar(10) , fk_StreetDirection int , Street Name Varchar(50) , fk_StreetType Int, Suffix Varchar(10)

    in which the streetdirection and the streetType were dictionaries in the database



     Street Type
    pk_StreetType  StreetType
    1 Street 

    pk_Language Language 
    1 Spanish

    fk_Dictionary ItemNumber fk_Language Data 
    1 11 Calle 


    This scenario is the one that we are going to use.


    I hope it helps for you

    tal McMahon





    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • Folks!

    I appreciate your responses!

    swjohnson - I want to convert already existing data to Spanish. The only utility that I have found is one that converts the data in Excel spreadsheets from English to Spanish. So, I might export my data to a spreadsheet, convert it, and then import it back in. (And then have a translator proof read it.)

    Tal McMahon - Yes, that is the design that I will be using. I thought about a database with the English and a separate database with the Spanish, but decided to store each in the same database.

    Thanks to everyone for your ideas!!


  • I would be curious about the conversion in Excel.  Currently our system handles over 70 foreign languages (including right to left languages) and we export the data to a word document and send that off to the translator.  We make sure the export to work has the unique record ID as a column  (ProjectID, RecordID, EnglishText, TransText).

    Then when we get the data back from the translator, we can copy and paste the data into an Access table and then import that MS Access table into SQL and then run the Update query to finish the process.  We are working with our translation vendor to do this via the web. 

    Definitely have a translator proof it as machine translation is improving but I still have seen some very weird translations come back. 

    We store all the foreign language text in the same database.  The only gotcha is on sorting with the different character sets.  The collation and alphabetization is a little tricky if your resultset returnd more than one language back  (which is quite common for us). 




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