Convert datetime to varchar

  • Hi i am having table with column name time data type as datetime

    And when i try to execute the select statement with convert like

    select * from tablename

    where convert(varchar(10),time,103)<'06/06/2010'

    as i need to get the all data which is less than the given date but when i run this query it gives all the rows presented in table and not with the given in where clause is there any syntax error or i am doing some mistake but if i run with syntax

    select * from tablename

    where time<'2010-06-06 11:15:28'

  • sandy-833685 (9/27/2010)

    Hi i am having table with column name time data type as datetime

    And when i try to execute the select statement with convert like

    select * from tablename

    where convert(varchar(10),time,103)<'06/06/2010'

    as i need to get the all data which is less than the given date but when i run this query it gives all the rows presented in table and not with the given in where clause is there any syntax error or i am doing some mistake but if i run with syntax

    select * from tablename

    where time<'2010-06-06 11:15:28'

    Why are you trying to convert the date to a string if its only to match a hardcoded value in your where clause?

    There are three big problems with doing it this way:

    1) Its unnecessary

    2) Performing a convert on your column in a where clause will cause a table scan, making it perform slow.

    3) You are performing a string comparison instead of a date comparison, meaning that it would only be equivalent if you formatted the date in yyyy/mm/dd, because it is looking at the characters right to left.

    The simple where time < syntax is much better. If you compare a date to a hardcoded date string, sql server will be clever enough to interpret it.

  • sandy-833685 (9/27/2010)

    Hi i am having table with column name time data type as datetime

    And when i try to execute the select statement with convert like

    select * from tablename

    where convert(varchar(10),time,103)<'06/06/2010'

    as i need to get the all data which is less than the given date but when i run this query it gives all the rows presented in table and not with the given in where clause is there any syntax error or i am doing some mistake but if i run with syntax

    select * from tablename

    where time<'2010-06-06 11:15:28'

    There can only be a single sound advice regarding your request: DON'T

    As always, don't perform a function on a column in a where clause, if you can provide the correct format of a declared variable !

    If you insist on using a conversion function, convert the variable !

    select * from tablename

    where time < convert(datetime,'06/06/2010', formatcode ) -- see books online for your correct format !


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  • Thx,

    But its not hardcoded its an value which is stored in variable which is having a datatype as datetime. and after going through certain select and execution stored procedure.And i am using this variable in bcp like

    declare @sql varchar(2000),@date datetime

    Set @date='2009-06-06 11:17:00'

    Set @sql ='Select * from tablename where time<'+@date+'order by time'

    Exec (SQL)

    And it gives an error converting datetime from character string.

    But when i execute same statement with convert or cast to varchar it works but output is not accurate as disscussed.

    Please let me know is there any other alternative to work around or there some mistake happening from my end.

  • sandy-833685 (9/27/2010)


    But its not hardcoded its an value which is stored in variable which is having a datatype as datetime. and after going through certain select and execution stored procedure.And i am using this variable in bcp like

    declare @sql varchar(2000),@date datetime

    Set @date='2009-06-06 11:17:00'

    Set @sql ='Select * from tablename where time<'+@date+'order by time'

    Exec (SQL)

    And it gives an error converting datetime from character string.

    But when i execute same statement with convert or cast to varchar it works but output is not accurate as disscussed.

    Please let me know is there any other alternative to work around or there some mistake happening from my end.

    Please be straight forward with your questions, altering them during a forum thread will only cause frustration for the ones trying to help out.

    Avoid dynamic sql !!

    declare @date datetime

    Set @date='2009-06-06 11:17:00'

    Select * from tablename where time< @date order by time;

    When altering datetime into a string, always use the convert function to specify your correct datetime format.

    Don't rely on the datetime format setting of your windows install or client settings !!


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  • sandy-833685 (9/27/2010)


    But its not hardcoded its an value which is stored in variable which is having a datatype as datetime. and after going through certain select and execution stored procedure.And i am using this variable in bcp like

    declare @sql varchar(2000),@date datetime

    Set @date='2009-06-06 11:17:00'

    Set @sql ='Select * from tablename where time<'+@date+'order by time'

    Exec (SQL)

    And it gives an error converting datetime from character string.

    But when i execute same statement with convert or cast to varchar it works but output is not accurate as disscussed.

    Please let me know is there any other alternative to work around or there some mistake happening from my end.

    You arent getting the error because "time" needs to be converted. You are getting the error because your dynamic sql does not have quotes around the date you are comparing time to.

    And as has been pointed out, unless there is even more you're not telling us, you don't even need dynamic sql here.

  • sandy-833685 (9/27/2010)

    Hi i am having table with column name time data type as datetime

    And when i try to execute the select statement with convert like

    select * from tablename

    where convert(varchar(10),time,103)<'06/06/2010'

    as i need to get the all data which is less than the given date but when i run this query it gives all the rows presented in table and not with the given in where clause is there any syntax error or i am doing some mistake but if i run with syntax

    select * from tablename

    where time<'2010-06-06 11:15:28'


    Have to tried this

    declare @sql varchar(2000),@date varchar(20)

    Set @date='2009-06-06 11:17:00'

    Set @sql ='Select * from sys.sysobjects where crdate< '''+@date+''' order by crdate'

    Exec (@sql)

    We should not convert datetime to Varchar formate.But as per your request it has been done




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