convert datetime to integer

  • hello what would be the easiest way to convert a datetime column into an integer column?

  • I wouldn't advise this kind of operation to a less optimal data type.

    You lose all datatime functions and validations !!

    Chose your level of detail !

    declare @dt datetime

    Select @dt = GETDATE()

    Select CONVERT(varchar(26),@dt, 121)

    , CONVERT(bigint, replace(replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(23),@dt,121),'-',''),':',''),'.',''),' ',''))

    , CONVERT(int, @dt) -- date offset starting 1899-12-31

    , DATEADD( D, -(CONVERT(int, @dt) ), @dt)


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  • Why would you like to do that!

  • Datetime data types are internally a float. The whole number portion represents the days, while the decimal portion represents the time.


    select CONVERT(float, CONVERT(datetime, '99991231 23:59:59.997')), CONVERT(float, GetDate())

    If you change the datetime to integer, you will lose all time portions of those dates.

    If you're on 2008, you might want to look instead at the Date data type.

    Why would you want to change to an integer?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • WayneS, has a nice description of how dates are stored internally. But, what do you want the INT to represent? Do you want a number like YYYYMMDD or the integer portion of SQL's internal date or ???SELECT CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 112) AS INT)


    -- etc..

  • when creating a table we made a mistake it was supposed to be an integer column and is supposed to store by default a distributer ID using a function. (ftDistID:int,null)

  • What sort of values are in that column now? Can you please post some sample values as they show up in date format and the desired integer value for each?

  • The datetime data type is stored internally as two 4-byte integers concatenated together rather than a true floating point type.

    The first 4-byte integer represents the date portion of the datetime value. The numeric value of this integer represents the number of days since the reference date 0 (1900-01-01). The valid numeric range of this integer is -53690 (1753-01-01) to 2958463 (9999-12-31).

    The second 4-byte integer represents the time portion of the datetime value. The numeric value of this integer represents the number of 1/300 second intervals since midnight. The valid numeric range of this integer is 0 (00:00:00.000) to 25919999 (23:59:59.997).

    There are numerous ways of converting a datetime to an integer value, and the OP hasn't stated which method is required. These methods fall into 2 categories

    1) Where the integer represents the number of time intervals since some reference datetime, e.g.

    DECLARE @dt datetime

    SELECT @dt = GETDATE()

    /* Number of days since 1900-01-01 */

    SELECT DATEDIFF(day, 0, @dt)

    /* Number of 1/300 second intervals since midnight (ignoring date component of datetime) */

    SELECT CONVERT(int, CONVERT(binary(4), @dt))

    /* Number of days since the release of the first Velvet Underground studio album (1967-03-12) */

    SELECT DATEDIFF(day, 24541, @dt)

    2) Where the integer is a numeric representation of a human-readable date or time format, e.g.

    /* YYYYMMDD format */

    SELECT (CAST(YEAR(@dt) AS bigint) * 100 + MONTH(@dt)) * 100 + DAY(@dt)

  • sure


    1900-01-30 00:00:00.000

    1900-01-30 00:00:00.000

    1900-03-04 00:00:00.000

    1901-11-09 00:00:00.000

    1901-11-09 00:00:00.000

    desired :






    the data type for the column should had been

    udDistID(int,not null)

    can you help?

  • DBA (5/5/2009)



    1900-01-30 00:00:00.000

    1900-01-30 00:00:00.000

    1900-03-04 00:00:00.000

    1901-11-09 00:00:00.000

    1901-11-09 00:00:00.000

    desired :






    the data type for the column should had been

    udDistID(int,not null)

    can you help?

    Only problem I see based on the above is that the int values are consistant with the dates provided.

  • sorry i edited






  • [font="Verdana"]What is in your "udDistID(int,not null)"?

    it sounds to me you are looking to replace a datetime column with an integer column. As a suggestion, try the following:

    1. Rename the datetime column

    2. Add a new column with the correct name and type (int not null, default 0).

    3. Run a query to update the new column with the correct value.

    If necessary, you can then drop the datetime column.


  • DBA (5/5/2009)

    sorry i edited






    [font="Verdana"]That looks like the number of days from 1900-01-01. So your conversion will be something like:

    datediff(day, '19000101', MyDate)

    ...where MyDate is the name of the column containing the datetime value.


  • DBA (5/5/2009)

    when creating a table we made a mistake it was supposed to be an integer column and is supposed to store by default a distributer ID using a function. (ftDistID:int,null)

    Okay, now this makes sense as to why you want to do it.

    Using the sample code you provided, I created this test:

    if object_id('tempdb..#Dates') is not null DROP TABLE #Dates

    CREATE TABLE #Dates (DateField datetime)

    insert into #Dates

    select '1900-01-30 00:00:00.000' union all

    select '1900-01-30 00:00:00.000' union all

    select '1900-03-04 00:00:00.000' union all

    select '1901-11-09 00:00:00.000' union all

    select '1901-11-09 00:00:00.000'

    select DateField, convert(int, DateField) from #Dates

    As you can see, just converting the field to an int is giving you the desired results.

    Based on this, you would think that you could just do this:

    ALTER TABLE "tablename" ALTER COLUMN "columnname" INTEGER

    if you try this, you will get this error:

    Msg 257, Level 16, State 3, Line 1

    Implicit conversion from data type datetime to int is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

    So, you will have to add a new field to your table, populate it with the integer representation of your date field, and finally dropping the date field. My final code for showing all of this is:

    if object_id('tempdb..#Dates') is not null DROP TABLE #Dates

    CREATE TABLE #Dates (DateField datetime)

    insert into #Dates

    select '1900-01-30 00:00:00.000' union all

    select '1900-01-30 00:00:00.000' union all

    select '1900-03-04 00:00:00.000' union all

    select '1901-11-09 00:00:00.000' union all

    select '1901-11-09 00:00:00.000'

    select DateField, convert(int, DateField) from #Dates


    alter table #Dates add NewDateField INT


    update #Dates set NewDateField = convert(int, DateField)

    select * from #Dates


    alter table #Dates DROP COLUMN DateField


    select * from #Dates

    Of course, MAKE SURE that you try this out IN A TEST ENVIRONMENT. As "the keeper of the data", your first priority is retaining that accurate data that you do have. Only do this in production when you are sure you will get what you want.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • WayneS (5/5/2009)

    As you can see, just converting the field to an int is giving you the desired results.

    [font="Verdana"]Heh. I learn something every day. These two statements are equivalent.


    datediff(day, '19000101', getdate()),

    cast(getdate() as int);

    That makes sense when I think about it. I'm not so sure it would work for the new date datatypes in SQL Server 2008 though.


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