Convert date from UTC to PST

  • Hi Guys,


    Is there any way to convert date format from UTC to PST ???

    It's urgent...

    Thanks and Regards

    Ashu Garg

  • I believe the time difference is -8 hours so try this...


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Thanks Jeff,

    But the problem is that PST is adjusted due to "Day Light Saving" system and hence the difference between GMT and PST will vary by 1 hour.

    Please tell me how to handle this problem in this case.



  • This was written for Eastern Time Zone and does take into account the diff between ST and DST


    CREATE PROCEDURE Convrt_GMT_To_Eastern

    @DateIn datetime,

    @DateOut datetime OUTPUT


    --This Code Converts GMT to Local Time

    Declare @DateUse datetime

    Declare @TimeChg VARCHAR(20)

    Declare @DayVal NUMERIC

    Declare @GMT datetime

    DECLARE @DiffDST int,

     @DiffST int

    SET @DiffDST = -4

    SET @DiffST = -5

    SET @DateUse = @DateIn --Get Current DateTime

    If Month(@DateUse) >= 10 --Check To See if Date is Oct, Nov, or Dec


      Set @TimeChg = '10/31/' + Cast(Year(@DateUse) as varchar) --Use Oct 31 as strt Point



      Set @TimeChg = '4/1/' + Cast(Year(@DateUse) as varchar) --Use April 1 as start point

    Set @DayVal = DatePart(weekday,@TimeChg) --Is the Start Point a Sunday

    If @DayVal <> 1 --If Not then when is the proper Time Change Sunday

     If DatePart(m,@TimeChg) = 4 --Is the base the April Value


       Set @TimeChg = DateAdd(d,8 - @DayVal,@TimeChg) --For April it is the first Sunday of the Month

       Set @TimeChg = DateAdd(hh,7, @TimeChg)




       Set @TimeChg = DateAdd(d,-@DayVal + 1,@TimeChg) --For Oct it is the last Sunday of the Month

       Set @TimeChg = DateAdd(hh,6, @TimeChg)


    If DatePart(m,@TimeChg) = 4 --If Time Change is Based on April


      If @DateUse < @TimeChg --If DateUse < The Time Change Date & Time


        Set @DateUse = DateAdd(hh,@DiffST,@DateUse) --GMT 5 hours ahead for EASTERN Daylight Savings



       Set @DateUse = DateAdd(hh,@DiffDST,@DateUse) --GMT 4 hours ahead for EASTERN Standard



     If @DateUse < @TimeChg --If DateUse < The Time Change Date & Time


       Set @DateUse = DateAdd(hh,@DiffDST,@DateUse) --GMT 4 hours ahead for EASTERN Standard



      Set @DateUse = DateAdd(hh,@DiffST,@DateUse) --GMT 5 hours ahead for EASTERN Daylight Savings


    Set @DateOut = @DateUse  --Date time to eastern TZ


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