Convert data types

  • Hi

    I would like you to help me to come up with desired results for this report.I am currently preparing a script in SQL for people who has attended course now what i want the report to do is to highlight the entire row green if the column STATUS contains the value ' NOT ATTENDED',Im thinking of a coding like this

    select case when status <> "Attended' then

    backcolor = green

    else status

    end case

    the second one is this field called Cost_per_person is captured in string data type and other values are having 'R' before(R4562,00) and the comma is not used to separate thousand is for hundrends instead.Now i want to convert all the numbers to decimal and leave those rows that contains characters('NOT YET PAID').I want to have a code like this one

    select CASE WHEN f.segment10 = string then

    REPLACE (CAST (f.segment10 AS VARCHAR (10)), 'R', ' ' )

    when f.segment10 = varchar then

    convert(To_decimal(8,2),f.segment10 )

    ELSE f.segment10

    END cost_per_person,

    your response will be highly appreciated.


  • The first one needs something like this in every cell in the row (you can't do this for a Row, unless someone knows differently..)

    Select the cell


    BackGroundColor - open the dropdown, select Expression and type in something like:

    =IIf(Fields!Status.Value="Attended", "Green","Transparent")

    Do that for as many cells as you want green when Status=Attended.

    No idea about the second one - sorry.


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