Convert columns result into rows with comma and single quotes

  • Hi All,

    Hi All,

    I want to convert columns result into rows with comma.

    Ex: Result should be - 'SQL1','ABCD100','XYZ123'


    create table #tbl_db (name varchar(100))
    insert into #tbl_db values ('SQL1')
    insert into #tbl_db values ('ABCD100')
    insert into #tbl_db values ('XYZ123')

    select * from #tbl_db

    Result needed: 'SQL1','ABCD100','XYZ123'


  • SELECT STRING_AGG(CONCAT('''',,''''),',')
    FROM #tbl_db td

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  • Phil Parkin wrote:

    SELECT STRING_AGG(CONCAT('''',,''''),',')
    FROM #tbl_db td

    Instead of using CONCAT() use QUOTENAME(), in case your text contains single quotes.  It will automatically create escaped forms of single quotes in your data.

    I don't understand why people continue to use multiple insert statements when a simple table value constructor (TVC) will do the same thing without all of the clutter.

    create table #tbl_db (name varchar(100));
    insert into #tbl_db
    VALUES ('SQL1')
    , ('ABCD100')
    , ('XYZ123')
    , ('O''Reily');

    select * from #tbl_db;

    SELECT STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(td.[name], ''''), ',')
    FROM #tbl_db AS td;

    Here is a comparison of the results.

    /*  CONCAT() version  */

    /* QUOTENAME() version */


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen wrote:

    I don't understand why people continue to use multiple insert statements when a simple table value constructor (TVC) will do the same thing without all of the clutter.


    I agree! INSERT ... SELECT ... UNION ALL is even more old-school, but still appears.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Thanks both and it is working good.

    Thanks Drew for the script and insert statement.

  • drew.allen wrote:

    SELECT STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(td.[name], ''''), ',')
    FROM #tbl_db AS td;

    I prefer using CHAR instead of multiple single-quotes:

    SELECT STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(td.[name], CHAR(39)), ',')
    FROM #tbl_db AS td;


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  • Jeffrey Williams wrote:

    drew.allen wrote:

    SELECT STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(td.[name], ''''), ',')
    FROM #tbl_db AS td;

    I prefer using CHAR instead of multiple single-quotes:

    SELECT STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(td.[name], CHAR(39)), ',')
    FROM #tbl_db AS td;

    I can never remember what the correct CHAR number is, which is why I use multiple single quotes.  The only CHAR I use with any frequency is CHAR(10), and it's almost exclusively in constructing XML documents.  CHAR(13) doesn't show up the way I want it to in XML.  So I use CHAR(10) to insert a LF without a CR.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • I just remember the ones I use the most - and CHAR(39) is one of those.  For all others:


    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • The issue with using QUOTENAME is that it returns the result as an NVARCHAR(258).  The OP started out with a VARCHAR().

    In this case, the resulting STRING_AGG() returns an NVARCHAR(4000).

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