convert binary to string format...

  • Hello All,

    I was actually trying to convert binary to string format...

    I've implemented some statements like

    cast( column_name as nvarchar),

    convert(varchar, column_name, 0) or convert(varchar, column_name, 1) or convert(varchar, column_name, 2) which obviously didn't work...

    My column has the data in the binary format which is starting with 0x

    But I can just query the database...I have to write a query (for example: select x1, x2, x3 from table in which x2 is a binary column and I need to convert that to a string or varchar format. So that, I can write my outer queries.)

    Appreciate any help on this....

  • Why do you need to convert that column to be able to join? I never had that restriction before!

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (6/28/2011)

    Why do you need to convert that column to be able to join? I never had that restriction before!

    I just want to read what was there in that column(as it is a comment field)...its not for join...

  • It's a text comment put in a varbinary column? Are you sure this is not a blob of some sort like .doc or .pdf?

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (6/28/2011)

    It's a text comment put in a varbinary column? Are you sure this is not a blob of some sort like .doc or .pdf?

    I'm not really that familiar with SQL...They are capturing this column from some kind of mainframes system...That column was defined as binary(1086) in the database.

  • if convert(VARCHAR(2000), colname) doesn't work then you need to use the actual application to read it.

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (6/28/2011)

    if convert(VARCHAR(2000), colname) doesn't work then you need to use the actual application to read it.

    so you say that we cant convert the column using SQL...? When I tried to implement the cast and convert as mentioned in the msdn that its an implicit dint work out...but it gave something which has some wierd characters like some square and sooo on....

    Thanks for the reply...

  • Binary column are "supposed" to hold binary data, which 99% of the time is used to store a file like a jpeg, pdf or doc file.

    So to be able to read those files back you need to open them with whatever software that encoded them in the first place.

    Maybe someone else might know another way but for now I'm out of ideas.

  • Really appreciate your help Ninja...

    thanks a lot...

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