convert all the column of table to ToBase64String

  • Ok, I would ask why the change from SSIS to SQL.

    IN SQL check out the HASHBYTES function.



    COL1,COL2, HASHBYTES('MD5',COL1+'|'+COL2+'|')

    FROM aTable

    One other thing there's no guarantee that you will get the same Value as per the previous solution that was implemented.

    The only way to be sure is to keep using the old method.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Jason-299789 (2/18/2015)

    Ok, I would ask why the change from SSIS to SQL.

    IN SQL check out the HASHBYTES function.



    COL1,COL2, HASHBYTES('MD5',COL1+'|'+COL2+'|')

    FROM aTable

    One other thing there's no guarantee that you will get the same Value as per the previous solution that was implemented.

    The only way to be sure is to keep using the old method.

    Perhaps a suitable CLR function can be created to do the same as what was being done in SSIS.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Interesting Idea Phil, a CLR would certainly work, but the question is would the company allow a CLR to be placed on the server.

    I know a few companies are very funny about such things.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Clients having 100 of ssis package for every table they are having separate ssis package.

    Now they wanted to have single package with single DFT which can load all the source to destination as per the input.

    I did using BIML but clients told me that BIML need license so I dropped that plan

    Now I have created SP which is working fine and full fill the clients requirement.

    Now my concern is in production environment rowchecksum value is different coming than what i am getting using sql.

    Currently SSIS using script component to convert the source column and give the rowcheckusm value.

    SSIS Code:-

    Dim md5 As MD5CryptoServiceProvider = New MD5CryptoServiceProvider()

    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

    Dim columnContents As Byte() = UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Row.Col001 + Row.Col002 + Row.Col003 + Row.Col004 + Row.Col005 + Row.Col006 + Row.Col007 + Row.Col008 + Row.Col009 + Row.Col010 + Row.Col011 + Row.Col012 + Row.Col013 + Row.Col014)

    Dim hash As Byte() = md5.ComputeHash(columnContents)

    Dim hashString As String = Convert.ToBase64String(hash, Base64FormattingOptions.None)

    Row.RowChecksum = hashString

    End Sub

    I also want to have same checksum value using sql


    Vipin jha

  • What is CLR ?

  • vipin_jha123 (2/18/2015)

    What is CLR ?

    How hard did you try?

    How about this.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Done a bit of digging here, using a SQLCLR equivalent to the OPs script (source below)

    using System;

    using System.Data.SqlTypes;

    using System.Text;

    using System.Security.Cryptography; // Will need a reference to System.Security

    public partial class UserDefinedFunctions


    [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true, DataAccess = DataAccessKind.None, SystemDataAccess = SystemDataAccessKind.None)]

    public static String ToBase64String(String str)


    if (str == null)


    return str;


    MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();

    byte[] columnContents = UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str);

    byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(columnContents);

    String hashString = Convert.ToBase64String(hash, Base64FormattingOptions.None);

    return hashString;



    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ToBase64String](@str [nvarchar](4000))



    EXTERNAL NAME [MySQLCLR].[UserDefinedFunctions].[ToBase64String]

    gives the same results as using the built-in HASHBYTES and XML conversion to base64


    SET @STR='abcdefg';

    SELECT dbo.ToBase64String(@str);

    WITH source(col) AS (


    SELECT CAST(N'' AS XML).value('xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary(sql:column("col")))', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') AS Base64String

    FROM source;


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