convert access query to sql server

  • Hi guys,

    Can anybody help me to convert this access query to sql server please.


    SELECT dbo_capd_enrolmentisr.ei_ilra10, PU.m_id AS PUm_id, PQ.m_reference, dbo_capd_student.s_studentreference, dbo_capd_person.p_surname, dbo_capd_person.p_forenames

    FROM ((((dbo_capd_student INNER JOIN ((dbo_capd_moduleenrolment INNER JOIN dbo_capd_enrolmentisr ON dbo_capd_moduleenrolment.e_id = dbo_capd_enrolmentisr.ei_id) INNER JOIN dbo_capd_module AS PQ ON dbo_capd_moduleenrolment.e_module = PQ.m_id) ON dbo_capd_student.s_id = dbo_capd_moduleenrolment.e_student) INNER JOIN dbo_capd_person ON dbo_capd_student.s_id = dbo_capd_person.p_id) INNER JOIN dbo_capd_offering AS CPDtoPQ ON PQ.m_id = CPDtoPQ.o_destination) INNER JOIN dbo_capd_offering AS PUtoCPD ON CPDtoPQ.o_source = PUtoCPD.o_destination) INNER JOIN dbo_capd_module AS PU ON PUtoCPD.o_source = PU.m_id

    WHERE (((dbo_capd_enrolmentisr.ei_q17)>#7/31/2010#) AND ((PQ.m_type)="Pq") AND ((PQ.m_end)<#8/1/2010#) AND ((dbo_capd_moduleenrolment.e_status) Not In ("E","N")) AND ((nz([ei_q18m06],#8/1/2010#))>#7/31/2010#))

    GROUP BY dbo_capd_enrolmentisr.ei_ilra10, PU.m_id, PQ.m_reference, dbo_capd_student.s_studentreference, dbo_capd_person.p_surname, dbo_capd_person.p_forenames

    ORDER BY PQ.m_reference, dbo_capd_person.p_surname, dbo_capd_person.p_forenames;

  • wow, formatting really makes it readable:

    i think this is what you are after.

    because they are all inner joins, it doesn't matter whether there are a zillion nested parenthesis or not.

    the access nz function is the same as ISNULL function.

    dates are surrounded by single quotes instead of hash character(#08/10/2010# becomes '08/10/2010'

    and string literals are in single instead of double quites.



    PU.m_id AS PUm_id,


    dbo_capd_student. s_studentreference,



    FROM dbo_capd_student

    INNER JOIN dbo_capd_moduleenrolment

    ON dbo_capd_student.s_id = dbo_capd_moduleenrolment.e_student

    INNER JOIN dbo_capd_enrolmentisr

    ON dbo_capd_moduleenrolment.e_id = dbo_capd_enrolmentisr.ei_id

    INNER JOIN dbo_capd_module AS PQ

    ON dbo_capd_moduleenrolment.e_module = PQ.m_id

    INNER JOIN dbo_capd_person

    ON dbo_capd_student.s_id = dbo_capd_person.p_id

    INNER JOIN dbo_capd_offering AS CPDtoPQ

    ON PQ.m_id = CPDtoPQ.o_destination

    INNER JOIN dbo_capd_offering AS PUtoCPD

    ON CPDtoPQ.o_source = PUtoCPD.o_destination

    INNER JOIN dbo_capd_module AS PU

    ON PUtoCPD.o_source = PU.m_id

    WHERE (((dbo_capd_enrolmentisr.ei_q17)>'7/31/2010')

    AND ((PQ.m_type)='Pq')

    AND ((PQ.m_end)< '8/1/2010')

    AND ((dbo_capd_moduleenrolment.e_status) Not In ('E', 'N'))

    AND ((ISNULL([ei_q18m06], '8/1/2010'))>'7/31/2010'))













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  • Thanks Lowell, It's sorted now. the problem was mostly about the parentheses.


  • Hi Guys,

    is this correct?

    I've got the following syntax error:

    ODBC --call failed

    invalid object name Query1_EnrolmentsWithPlannedEndAfterModuleEnd

    Thank you!

    SELECT PU.m_reference AS PUCode,


    WHEN MAX(CPD.m_period) < 2010 Then 'No 2010 CPD'

    ELSE '2010 CPD Exists'

    END AS Has2010CPD

    FROM dbo.capd_module AS PU

    INNER JOIN Query1_EnrolmentsWithPlannedEndAfterModuleEnd

    ON PU.m_id =Query1_EnrolmentsWithPlannedEndAfterModuleEnd.PUm_id

    INNER JOIN dbo.capd_offering

    ON Query1_EnrolmentsWithPlannedEndAfterModuleEnd.PUm_id = dbo.capd_offering.o_source

    INNER JOIN dbo.capd_module AS CPD

    ON dbo.capd_offering.o_destination = CPD.m_id

    GROUP BY PU.m_reference

  • ok, so you actually have a table named "query1" something or other?

    You cannot call another query from a query.

    You can call a function, but not a query.

    Andrew SQLDBA

  • Hi AndrewSQLDBA,

    I'm trying to convert an access query to TSQL syntax.

    "Query1..." was a query then change to a table. Will I be able to join it?

    If not, how would I change change or create a function from that query?



  • You can read the code of the query, and translate to t-sql. There is not very much difference in the actual languages. Most of the difference that you will see is in the design of the database. With that many JOINs, I would look more at the database design. There are many things that SQL can do that Access cannot. You would be much further ahead by a better database design.

    Andrew SQLDBA

  • Since MS Access doesn't support views, it lets you call queries from queries. It's not uncommon to have query1 do some joins and manipulation, then use that result set for the basis of query2 that does additional joins for the final result set - actually, Access doesn't seem to care how deep your query heirarchy goes; I've seen 4-5 levels.

    In SQL-Server, you'll need to convert your base queries to views to get the same funtionality.

  • MS Access doesn't support views.

    Yes it does.

    When you save a query in Access, this is stored in the database as a View.

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