Convert a duration varchar into minutes

  •  Hi Guys n Gals

    I desperatley need your help. I have a field which gives the duration for a problem as 10h 51m. I need to convert it to show 651 as interger. Could someone please explain the best way to do this.


    Thanks in advance...



  • There are couple of is:

    declare @hr int, @min-2 int, @string varchar(20)

    set @string = '10h 51m'

    set @hr = charindex('h', @string)

    set @min-2 = charindex('m', @string)

    select substring(@string, 1, @hr -1) * 60 + substring(@string, @hr + 1, @min-2 - (@hr + 1))



    Another test:

    declare @hr int, @min-2 int, @string varchar(20)

    set @string = '100h 45m'

    set @hr = charindex('h', @string)

    set @min-2 = charindex('m', @string)

    select substring(@string, 1, @hr -1) * 60 + substring(@string, @hr + 1, @min-2 - (@hr + 1))




  • if this oracle you can do like this


    substr('10h',1,instr('10h','h')-1) *60 + substr('51m',1,instr('51m','m')-1) from dual

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