Conversion from Oracle 8.0

  • Can record type used in PL/SQL stored procedures be converted into any compatible data type?



  • If you are talking data datatype, for the most part yes, I believe there a few unsupported data types in Oracle 8.0 and later but do not have a list of what they actually are. If they come back as unsupported we usually use the to_char function to convert to char representation which has worked fine. Their however are a few functions that have no couterpart in SQL at this time. Can you be more specific about what is to be converted?

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • I have to convert an Oracle 8.0 database to SQL Server 2000. The Oracle Database has many stored procedures (linked in packages) for business logic implementation. Is there a way to import these packages? There are few stored procedures, which have variables defined of Record Datatype. Can these Stored Procedures be imported into SQL Server directly?


  • Unfortunately no. There is no way that I am aware of directly to import SP from Oracle to SQL, and I haven't seen any third party apps due this yet (I think primarily due to features in Oracle SP's not able to be supported directly SQL).

    You will have to build new versions in SQL, I can offer help with some functions or work arounds if you go this route and need help.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

    Edited by - antares686 on 03/19/2002 04:32:02 AM

  • You may find some interesting little challenges if your SP's use good ORACLE standards like %ROWTYPE and %TYPE. For example I've not found any equivilant of %ROWTYPE for Cursor handling (you have to declare each column as a variable to select into.

    Oh and ERROR Handling, welcome to the Stone-Age! No Except block, and you try holding onto the Error number (@@ERROR).

    Triggers are entertaining, you do have some equivilance to :NEW and :OLD but not, in my opinion, as flexible as ORACLE's.

    Notwithstanding SQLSERVER has some very nice ease of use features and can surprise you with the richness of some features.

    Let me recomend SQL Programmer from BMC as a devlopment environment. It's a freebie that they did for the Millenium but cheap and cheerful it is not. I use it to supplement the Enterprise manager.

    Happy converting

    I have found it is possible to please all of the people all of the time if you do exactly what they want. Harold Macmillan 1961

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