Conversion failed when converting varchar value to data type int

  • I am trying to join 2 tables together and when running the query I get the following error.

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 6

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '16071HR' to data type int.

    select c.client_id,



    m.matter_name, m.billable

    from docsadm.client as c

    left join docsadm.matter as m

    on c.client_id = m.client_id

    where c.client_name <> ''

    and m.matter_name <> ''

    and c.client_id not like '%.%'

    order by c.client_id

    docsadm.client table columns client_name and client_id are both varchar datatype fields

    docsadm.matter table columns matter_name and matter_id and billable are varchar datatype fields

    I am not sure why it is trying to convert the datatypes to int.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • tschuler-738392 (11/18/2016)


    from docsadm.client as c

    left join docsadm.matter as m

    on c.client_id = m.client_id

    where c.client_name <> ''

    and m.matter_name <> ''

    and c.client_id not like '%.%'

    order by c.client_id

    docsadm.client table columns client_name and client_id are both varchar datatype fields

    docsadm.matter table columns matter_name and matter_id and billable are varchar datatype fields

    What is the datatype of matter.client_id column? You said it's varchar in client table, but if it is int in matter table and you join on it, it does an implicit conversion to int datatype.

  • the docsadm.matter.client_id field is int

    How would I go about converting this in my query so that I get the desired results.

  • First, lets make it readable

    SELECT c.client_id,





    FROM docsadm.client AS c

    LEFT JOIN docsadm.matter AS m ON c.client_id = m.client_id

    WHERE c.client_name <> ''

    AND m.matter_name <> ''

    AND c.client_id NOT LIKE '%.%'

    ORDER BY c.client_id

    This line is your issue

    AND c.client_id NOT LIKE '%.%'

    If client_id is an int data type, you cannot do a like.

    What are you trying do with this?

    It appears that you are trying to filter rows that have a decimal point maybe?

    If that's the case, then an int field will not have a decimal point.

    If it does have a decimal, then it's not an int

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Yeah, I see that. I took out the and c.client_id not like '%.%'

    Still get the error.

    Running the following now but same issue.

    select c.client_id,



    m.matter_name, m.billable

    from docsadm.client as c

    left join docsadm.matter as m

    on c.client_id = m.client_id

    I do see the problem with the matter table having the client_id as in and client table having client_id as varchar. Is there a way to get around this?

  • tschuler-738392 (11/18/2016)

    Yeah, I see that. I took out the and c.client_id not like '%.%'

    Still get the error.

    Running the following now but same issue.

    select c.client_id,



    m.matter_name, m.billable

    from docsadm.client as c

    left join docsadm.matter as m

    on c.client_id = m.client_id

    I do see the problem with the matter table having the client_id as in and client table having client_id as varchar. Is there a way to get around this?

    This really makes no sense.

    If you are trying to join on these fields, and they are in fact different types, and matter actually contains values like "ABC123", then you will never get valid results.

    This is from a Hummingbird document management system, correct?

    If I remember correctly, the keys are integer identity fields, and there were also "client defined" matter fields. A matter named "12345" means nothing to a user, but "WDR123" might.

    I would like to see the results of this query:

    SELECT *


    WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Client'

    OR TABLE_NAME = 'Matter'

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • I thought it was stated that client_id in the client table was varchar? In that case the LIKE '%.%' isn't an issue.

    The bit pointed out by Chris is the main issue.

    If client_id in both tables represents the same thing, then they should be the same datatype.

    If changing the datatype of the column is not feasible, then a workaround would be to explicitly CAST/CONVERT m.client_id to varchar in the join.















  • Yes, it is OpenText DM system. Formerly known as hummingbird.

  • Thank you. This worked.

  • so in analyzing the data it appears that the system_id from the client table is what matches to the matter_id table. Thanks for all your help guys.

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