Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '12.80' to data type int.

  • hi all, request your help.

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '12.80' to data type int.

    I checked all datatypes in my proc, they are all consistent.


  • you'll have to show us the procedure; the error itself is not descriptive enough to point out anything obvious.

    the onlything i can offer is that if you are storing that decimal as a varchar, you'll have to double convert i think;

    this returns the exact error you described:

    select CONVERT(int,'12.80')

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '12.80' to data type int.

    select CONVERT(int,CONVERT(decimal(19,2),'12.80'))


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • here it is, please ignore the bracket errors/syntax, main concern is fields --(value, t.result, result on) please helpppp !!!!

  • the error is your data types in your first table variable, and the way you are doing your case statements.

    your first table is declared all as varchar(20), but then your second table is declared as floats, but you join them together, requiring a conversion

    then in your CASE statements, you are trying to mix data types...CASe one value is a float, else it's a cannot do that.

    = (case

    when v.data_type_id in (1,2) then convert(float, vs.L_rej)

    when vs.L_Rej in ('Fail','No','0.00') then '0'

    when vs.L_Rej in ('Pass','Yes') then '1'

    else vs.L_Rej end),

    --should be

    = (case

    when v.data_type_id in (1,2) then convert(float, vs.L_rej)

    when vs.L_Rej in ('Fail','No','0.00') then 0.00

    when vs.L_Rej in ('Pass','Yes') then 1.00

    else vs.L_Rej end),

    this should work correctly, allowing for the cleanup of the columns you trimmed out for the example

    DECLARE @tab1 table


    spec int,

    low_rej float,

    low_wa float,

    low_us float,

    target float,

    up_us float,

    up_wa float,

    up_rej float,

    sampling_interval int,

    Value varchar(35),


    INSERT INTO @tab1

    SELECT distinct

    'spec' = (case

    when vs.l_rej is not null then 1

    when vs.l_wa is not null then 1

    when vs.l_us is not null then 1

    when is not null then 1

    when vs.u_us is not null then 1

    when vs.u_wa is not null then 1

    when vs.u_rej is not null then 1

    else 0



    'low_rej' = (case

    when v.data_type_id in (1,2) then convert(float, vs.L_rej)

    when vs.L_Rej in ('Fail','No','0.00') then 0.00

    when vs.L_Rej in ('Pass','Yes') then 1.00

    else vs.L_Rej end),

    'low_wa' = (case

    when vs.l_Wa in ('Fail','No','0.00') then 0.00

    when vs.l_wa in ('Pass','Yes') then 1.00

    else vs.l_wa end),

    'low_us' = (case

    when vs.l_us in ('Fail','No','0.00') then 0.00

    when vs.l_us in ('Pass','Yes') then 1.00

    else vs.l_us end),

    'Target' = (case

    when vs.Target in ('Fail','No','0.00') then 0.00

    when vs.Target in ('Pass','Yes') then 1.00

    else vs.Target end),

    'up_user' = (case

    when vs.u_us in ('Fail','No','0.00') then 0.00

    when vs.u_us in ('Pass','Yes') then 1.00

    else vs.u_us end),

    'up_warn' = (case

    when vs.u_Wa in ('Fail','No','0.00') then 0.00

    when vs.u_wa in ('Pass','Yes') then 1.00

    else vs.u_wa end),

    'up_reject' = (case

    when vs.U_Rej in ('Fail','No','0.00') then 0.00

    when vs.U_Rej in ('Pass','Yes') then 1.00

    else vs.U_Rej end),

    'Value' = (case

    when t.Result in ('Fail','No','0.00') then 0.00

    when t.Result in ('Pass','Yes') then 1.00

    else t.Result end),

    FROM tes t

    JOIN vara v on t.var_id = v.var_id

    JOIN var_sp vs on v.var_id = vs.var_id

    JOIN prod p on vs.prod_id = p.prod_id

    JOIN prod_starts ps on p.prod_id = ps.prod_id

    and (t.result_on >= ps.start_time

    and (t.Result_on <= ps.end_time or ps.end_time is null))

    JOIN data_type d on v.data_type_id = d.data_type_id

    JOIN users u on t.ent_by = u.user_id

    where t.Result_on between @startdate and @Enddate

    and (vs.expiration_date > @startdate or vs.expiration_date is null)

    and v.data_type_id in (1,2,51,54)

    and (t.result <> or is null)

    order by t.result_on, t.entry_on, p.prod_code, vs.var_id

    DECLARE @tab2 table


    Low_rej float,

    Low_wa float,

    Low_us float,

    Target float,

    up_us float,

    Up_wa float,

    up_rej float,

    Value float,

    data_id int,

    data_desc varchar(50),

    result_type int,

    result_on datetime,

    entry_on datetime,

    prod_start datetime,

    prod_end datetime,

    operator varchar(35),

    comment_id int,

    comment_user_id int,

    comment_entry datetime,

    comment_text varchar(500)


    INSERT INTO @tab2


    'low_rej' = (case

    when data_id in (1,2,51,54) then convert(float, low_rej)

    else low_rej


    'low_wa' = (case

    when data_id in (1,2,51,54) then convert(float, low_wa)

    else low_wa


    'low_us' = (case

    when data_id in (1,2,51,54) then convert(float, low_us)

    else low_us


    'target' = (case

    when data_id in (1,2,51,54) then convert(float, target)

    else target


    'up_us' = (case

    when data_id in (1,2,51,54) then convert(float, up_us)

    else up_us


    'up_wa' = (case

    when data_id in (1,2,51,54) then convert(float, up_wa)

    else up_wa


    'up_rej' = (case

    when data_id in (1,2,51,54) then convert(float, up_rej)

    else up_rej


    'value' = (case

    when data_id in (1,2,51,54) then convert(float, value)

    else value


    from @tab2 r

    LEFT JOIN comments c on r.comment_id = c.comment_id

    LEFT JOIN users u on c.user_id = u.user_id

    where spec >= 1

    DECLARE @final table


    low_rej float,

    low_wa float,

    low_us float,

    Target float,

    up_us float,

    up_wa float,

    up_rej float,

    Value float,

    result_type int,

    no_upper int,


    INSERT INTO @final












    'result_type' = (case

    when data_id = 51 then 1

    when value > isnull(up_rej, up_wa) then 1

    when value <= isnull(up_rej, up_wa) then 0

    when value > target then 2

    else null


    'no_upper' = (case

    when up_us is not null then 1

    when up_wa is not null then 1

    when up_rej is not null then 1

    else 0




    'comment_text' = (case

    when comment_text < 'a' then null

    else comment_operator + ' (' + convert(varchar(23),comment_entry) + ') ' + comment_text


    from @tab2 c

    JOIN prod_units pu on c.pu_id = pu.pu_id

    select *

    from @final

    where no_upper <> 0

    and result_type <> 0

    order by pu_id, result_on, prod_code, var_id


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • thank a million for looking at my query. I understood the logic you said.

    I tried your way but I am still getting the error cant convert varchar 12.8 to datatype int. As soon as I add in @tab1

    --else CAST(t.result AS float) end), ------------** instead of ---else t.Result end),

    It works fine

    'Value' = (case

    when t.Result in ('Fail','No','0.00') then '0.00'

    when t.Result in ('Pass','Yes') then '1.00'

    --else CAST(t.result AS float) end), ------------**

    else t.Result end),

    please tell me what do you think/ thanks a ton.

  • It might be too late but maybe other are interested:

    'Value' = (


    WHEN t.Result in ('Fail','No','0.00') THEN '0.00'

    WHEN t.Result in ('Pass','Yes') THEN '1.00'

    ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR, CAST(t.result AS float))



    'Value' = (


    WHEN t.Result in ('Fail','No','0.00') THEN 0.00

    WHEN t.Result in ('Pass','Yes') THEN 1.00

    ELSE CAST(t.result AS float)


  • Lowell, thank you! Your post fixed my problem converting Decimal stored as Varchar into an INT (still working in 2005 & 2008)

    select CONVERT(int,CONVERT(decimal(19,2),'12.80'))

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