Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.

  • Susan,

    You list 06-30-2007 and 2007-10-10 as the format.

    Not sure if this will help as it is an answer that has only been checked for SQL Server 2008. (not to mention it is after the fact - but I found your post) I added the time as well just to extend the metaphor a bit.

    declare @date datetime

    select cast(CONVERT(varchar(30),'20070630 23:00',130) as DATETIME)

    set @date =CONVERT(varchar(30),'20070630 23:00',130)

    select @date

    SELECT CONVERT(datetime,@date)

    select CONVERT(decimal(13,4),CONVERT(datetime,@date))

    You get several answers in this manner - including a one I find particularly appealing - storing the date in decimal format (Please note it is only accurate to the nearest 400 ns).

    There is an 8601 ISO standard that may help to alleviate the formatting somewhat - you may want to check this as well.



  • Take a good look at your table columns, you might be converting a non date type to date datatype

  • zyzy (9/4/2012)

    Take a good look at your table columns, you might be converting a non date type to date datatype

    You just answered a post which is three years old... 🙂

  • Phil Parkin (9/5/2012)

    zyzy (9/4/2012)

    Take a good look at your table columns, you might be converting a non date type to date datatype

    You just answered a post which is three years old... 🙂

    If it's the right answer, does it matter?

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