Conversion Fail Error when Adding Filter

  • This code runs fine in SSRS Query Designer.

    IF @Company = 1


    SELECT distinct [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group], [No_] FROM [xxx].[dbo].[xxxx$Item]

    WHERE [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = @GPPG and [xxx].[dbo].[xxxx$Item].[Inventory Posting Group] = 2


    IF @Company = 2


    SELECT distinct [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group], [No_] FROM [xxxx].[dbo].[s$Item]

    WHERE [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = @GPPG


    But when I try to run it with the second filter as in the following it fails with "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'B' to data type int. The parameter @GPPG is set to text. What am I missing here?

    Thank you!

    IF @Company = 1


    SELECT distinct [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group], [No_] FROM [xxx].[dbo].[xxxx$Item]

    WHERE [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = @GPPG and [xxx].[dbo].[xxxx$Item].[Inventory Posting Group] = 2


    IF @Company = 2


    SELECT distinct [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group], [No_] FROM [xxxx].[dbo].[s$Item]

    WHERE [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = @GPPG and [xxx].[dbo].[xxxx$Item].[Inventory Posting Group] = 2


  • What's the datatype of [Inventory Posting Group]? What values are contained in it? Are any of them 'B'?

  • That’s the strange thing, there is no ‘B’ in Inventory Posting Group, only GPPG. If I run the Query without the Inventory Posting Group portion and select the ‘B’ as the GPPG filter it runs fine.

    Inventory Posting Group datatype is text. I tried the Inventory Posting Group filter as like '2' and = 2 and = '2' - it doesn't matter - same error.

  • What is the data type for this column: [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]

    If it is integer, your problem is allowing the @GPPG variable to contain values other pure numeric values. Data type precedence attempts to implicitly convert varchar values to integer values when comparing int values to varchar values. Unfortunately the character 'b' cannot be converted to an integer value which is why you are getting an error.

  • OK - I found the problem but not the fix. It isn't resetting parameter values when the "Company" parameter changes. If I run it for Company 1 with the 'B' GPPG value, the query runs. If I switch to Company 2, the GPPG value doesn't reset and both the GPPG list and the Item list are still from Company 1!

    That means there could be something amiss in the GPPG query which follows? That it's not "cascading?"

    IF @Company = 1


    SELECT DISTINCT G.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]

    FROM [dbo].[Company1$General Posting Setup] G

    INNER JOIN [dbo].[Company1$Item] I

    ON G.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = I.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]

    Where I.[Inventory Posting Group] = 'IC' or I.[Inventory Posting Group] = 'CHG'


    IF @Company = 2


    SELECT DISTINCT G.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]

    FROM [dbo].[Company2$General Posting Setup] G

    INNER JOIN [dbo].[Company2$Item] I

    ON G.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = I.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]

    Where I.[Inventory Posting Group] = 'IC' or I.[Inventory Posting Group] = 'CHG'


  • I thought this at first, too. But GPPG is text with mixed values of 04,05,06,C,B,D - different set for each company.

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