Controlling SQL Server jobs from cmd

  • Is it possible to start/stop/disable/enable jobs in SQL Server from the cmd? and if it is, how would I go about doing this? I only want to be able to control specific jobs. I figure stopping/starting SQL Server Agent will stop/start them, but I would rather have control over indivisual jobs.

    If it can't be done through cmd, can it be done in a scripting language (Perl, Vbscript...)?

    Thanks for your help.


  • To do thru cmd line you can use isql. SOrry I don't generally use myself but for a list of the paramteres type isql /?. Otherwise,

    I know you can do thru any languag that supports making database connections. In VBScript you can make an ADO connection to the database and execute on the connection "sp_start_job 'jobnamehere'" or "sp_stop_job 'jobnamehere'" or "sp_update_job 2jobname = 'jobnamehere', @enabled = 1(enabled)or0(disabled)" (note enabled just mean the job can be put on a schedule and has not affect on stop or start job sps) or even "sp_delete_job 'jobnamehere'". Se SQL BOL for details.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • You can do this either through isql or osql. You'll need to use a user that either a) owns the jobs or b) is a member of the sysadmin role, just as in Enterprise Manager.

    From there, the system stored procedures you'll want to take a look at are:




    They are the T-SQL commands behind the scenes of Enterprise Manager and thus can be scripted and run through isql or osql. They can also be executed through ADO.

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

  • DMO is another alternative, though sp_start_job, etc, are just as good if that's all you're doing.


  • Thanks everyone, all is now well.

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