Control of Parameter Layout Design

  • Greetings

    Is it possible to control how the Parameter fields are displayed on report at the point of selection? At the moment they are equally dropped on the form in two columns. I would like to place the Alpha Numerical ones at the top and then organise the date parameters underneath in some kind of logical order.



  • Add another column to the grid that contains your ordering information, then hide that column.

  • OK, you have kind of lost me there a little. The report I have is imported from Access and I have not seen the traditional grid etc that I got when I was working through the tutorials.

    Is there a specific screen where you can format/place the parameters on the sheet as you see fit?


  • my goof.  i thought you might be working in a programming language and using a grid object.

  • Hey, no problem. Thanks for trying anyway



  • Are you talking about the order or the actual layout? I'm not sure about layout, but the order seems to be determined by the parameter order in the .rdl file

  • It is the actual layout that I am referring to.



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