Constraint Questions

  • I have a field defined as a float.  I want to limit users to entering numbers between -99 through +99 (inclusive).  However, I also want to allow them to enter data after the decimal point but I only want them to be able to enter in either ".0", ".5".  So, for example, "-15", "-15.5", "+15.0", "7.5", "0", "0.5" are acceptable.  However, "-15.332", "7.4" aren't acceptable.  I'd like to match this regex...



    So, basically I guess I have 2 questions:

    1)  Can I break up this problem into 2 separate constraints?  It seems like "ALTER TABLE myTable ADD CONSTRAINT CN_LimitRangeToNegAndPos99 CHECK (myFloatField BETWEEN -99 AND 99)" would limit the numbers entered to the necessary range.  So that would take care of one of my rules.  However, could I then add a 2nd check constraint that checks the decimal place and still achieve the desired effect?

    2) How do I limit the "after decimal" part?


  • Either enforce it in the front-end app or (assuming this is not an option) use a trigger.

    Using the trigger you can alter the data from the inserted table to conform to your rules, or delete non-conforming data and raise an error (or pretty much anything else depending on your specific needs).  Note that you cannot alter the inserted table directly - you will need to reference it to update the real table (and therefore will need to ensure you have a primary key to identify rows, although you should have one anyway ).

    I think to check for the ".0" and ".5" you would have to convert to a string and check the rightmost two characters.  Can't think of any other way to do this at the moment.

  • - use decimal[(p[, s])]  check BOL in stead of float.

    - check constaints can help to delimit values :

       from BOL :

         ALTER TABLE doc_exd 

             ADD CONSTRAINT exd_check CHECK (column_a between -99 and +99)

          alter table dox_exd 

                ADD CONSTRAINT exd_check_precision CHECK (case column_a - cast(column_a as integer) when  0 then 1 when 0.5 then 1 else 0 end = 1)

    - u can also use a trigger to perform these tests

    test it


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